HIROSHIMA | Day-trip tips & tour | Atomic Bomb dome | ground zero | Hiroshima castle

[Music] so when you think of Hiroshima the first thing that comes to mind is the atomic bomb that uh was dropped on this city August 6th in 1945 but the Hiroshima of today is not at all what you might [Music] imagine so if you arrive to Hiroshima by cruise ship or by boat this is what you’re going to see it is stunningly beautiful the city is extremely clean really green and full of [Music] energy so the first thing I did was hop on the Tramway the train and I made my way about 20 minutes to the atomic bomb Dome uh which was Ground Zero uh when the atomic bomb was dropped August 6th 1945 I mean you know this is the most famous thing that ever happened also the most sad thing that ever happened to this city and uh you know you got to pay your respects here and and get the feeling of that location of of what happened on that location so this building is the only building that remains uh from the explosion of the atomic bomb on August 6th 1945 uh and ironically the atomic bomb exploded just 600 M directly above this building and I guess it is said or thought that the reason why the building still stands today is because the explosion was above the building and the explosion didn’t occur where it pushed the walls from the side rather that being above it somehow or another allowed the building to stand but uh this is the only building that still stands in all of the uh downtown area of Hiroshima really stunning amazing feeling to be here so just behind the atomic bomb Dome is this tower that you can pay a small fee to go up all the way to the top and you can get a bird’s eyee view of not only the atomic bomb dome but all of the downtown Hiroshima area and they’ve done a wonderful job up here to give you a museum perspective with the documentaries and pictures of you know what happened and and these pictures here are from that uh that location and uh you know it’s it’s really amazing to get the feeling you you can’t imagine it just looking at my video but when you’re here you know just the fact that 78,000 people died right here instantly and then over the next few months and before the end of the year over 150,000 people died from the effects of the atomic bomb so here’s a before and after picture of you know just what the atomic bomb Dome Building look like after the bombing and here is what Hiroshima looks like now and I got to tell tell you I mean I was so impressed by this city and the Japanese people to not only overcome from this horrific horrible thing that had happened to them but they not only overcame it but in my opinion I mean they they are a power of example [Music] speee [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so join me for a walk from Hiroshima gate Plaza and we’re going to head over to Hiroshima castle and I really enjoyed this and I got to see you know downtown Hiroshima along the way but stay with me you’ll really enjoy Hiroshima Castle stunning views from the top of the whole entire city downtown including the moat around the castle so as I said earlier at the uh atomic bomb uh Dome all of this was completely destroyed when the atomic bomb was dropped but uh because the foundation was here and they had really good records everything was reconstructed and I must say they did an amazing job I was really impressed with all of this so there are only a few trees in the entire city that survived the atomic bomb and these are two of them and they’re right next to each other and one wonders what it is about these two trees that allowed them to survive such an incredible unbelievable uh situations such as the atomic bomb but you know have a look because these trees are Miracles so Hiroshima Castle was originally built more than 400 years ago I think 1590 was the year that the original building was built and uh of course it was completely destroyed when the atomic bomb fell in 1945 however all the Moes in the foundation were there and it has been reconstructed and it off off an amazing view from the top so it’s definitely a Musto thing and what you can see here’s the view from the top what you can see is the city and how it’s thriving now from the top you can see the original moates that were around the castle and the water is like super clean and it’s just amazing to me how resilient the Japanese people are and how this city has returned like to even maybe even better than what it was before I don’t know but it’s just so green and clean I I was overwhelmed at how beautiful it was here when I was here this is the park all around the city and it it just you know it was full of birds and great noises and great smells and everything about Hiroshima really captured my heart I really loved it here beautiful this city is really easy and nice to walk around and just you know stroll and just discover and just walk ully I really liked it a lot as you can see it’s also got an art museum uh I didn’t get a chance to go in it but I did read the reviews and it looks like it would be a great day trip just to explore the art museum and there’s just a lot to do and a lot to explore and a lot to discover here so uh I don’t know I think Hiroshima should be on your bucket list I really enjoyed it so one way Hiroshima is like a power of example to the rest of the world was I discovered all these underground tunnels underneath the highways and the roads so that you don’t have to you know so the traffic doesn’t have to stop and you don’t have to cross streets you can just pedal your bike or you can just walk underneath the roads in these tunnels instead of having to cross the street I thought that was really cool and forward thinking so if you enjoyed the Hiroshima video you want to be sure to check out my Kyoto video and I guarantee you that my Tokyo video will definitely improve your Tokyo experience so after watching this video you might just well put shinjo Tokyo on your bucket list so thanks so much for spending time with me today and I do hope you’ll become a subscriber

Hiroshima immediately causes you to think of the Atomic Bomb that destroyed the city August 6th 1945. The Atomic Bomb caused 78,000 immediate deaths and more than 150,000 eventual deaths. However, what you probably don’t know is how unbelievably modern, green, beautiful, and peaceful Hiroshima is today. In this video we will arrive at the port and take the tram directly to the A-Bomb dome ( Atomic bomb dome ). We will explore Hiroshima Castle, and walk around Hiroshima.

Kyoto should be on everyone’s bucket list! This video will help you: https://youtu.be/lcq6TamfDhg

Be sure to visit my Tokyo video to make your experience better! https://youtu.be/abTYeQFBGRE

And my Shinjuku | Golden Gai video for travel tips and virtual tour: https://youtu.be/qs74kEJdy4w

If you want to explore Bangkok, Bali, Kuala Lumpur, Philippines or other SE Asia destinations please visit my channel: https://www.youtube.com/@wanderlustingwithjoe

Music used in this video:
Soundtrack by:
Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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