【台東即時影像縮時】南橫埡口 2024-06-18 星空縮時攝影






公路總局智慧化省道即時資訊服務網 https://168.thb.gov.tw/
旅遊資訊 https://tour.taitung.gov.tw/zh-tw/attraction/details/217

Taitung Southern Cross-Island Yakou Live Camera

The Yakou (mountain pass) on the South Cross-Island Highway is a must-see attraction. It is located at the border of Taitung County and Kaohsiung City. At 2,722-meters, the long 600-meter Daguanshan Tunnel that goes through the main ridge of the Central Mountain Range is very well-known. It is the highest point of the South Cross-Island Highway, as well as the highest tunnel in all of Taiwan.

Daguanshan Tunnel separates the eastern and western halves of Taiwan Island: the west area is comprised of Meishan Village from Kaosiung City’s Taoyuan District; the east area consists of Lidao Village in Taitung County’s Haiduan Township. The two areas are largely different in terms of landscape and climate. At the east entrance of Daguanshan Tunnel in Taitung County, the water vapor carried by monsoons often form a sea of clouds at an altitude of about 2,500 meters in the afternoon due to the uplift of the airflow and obstruction of the terrain.

On the way to Yakou, visitors can enjoy magnificent sights such as the Xiangyang Collapsed Hill, seas of clouds of valleys, towering mountains and precipitous ridges, verdant and luxurious gigantic trees, as well as waterfalls of mountains above. The surrounding nature and rich ecology can be enjoyed during the hike. By immersing in the refreshing environment, visitors can forget about the fast-paced life and troubles in the city.





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