🇯🇵 世界最大 の釈迦涅槃像 福岡の 金運 パワースポット 南蔵院

This Video Sasaguri Shikoku Sacred Ground Sohonji Temple sacred site in Fukuoka The world’s largest statue of Nirvana Koyasan Shingon Sect Bekkaku Honzan Sohonzan Nanzoin Nanzoin Temple Approx. 30 min. from Hakata Sta. by train Nanzoin is located in Sasaguri, Fukuoka. JR Kyushu Sasaguri Line Kido Nanzoin-mae station

The head temple of Sasaguri Shikoku 88 temples. One of the three major new Shikoku sacred places in Japan. So popular that 1.2 million people visit every year. Many tourists come from abroad. It is a very lively place. Kukai once visited here. Incense smells very nice. Place for chanting sutra Cute red hat.

Going ahead, you can see the main hall. Beautiful sound of water No selfie sticks or tripods allowed from here! Before going to the main hall Click here first Mizutare Jizo and Maneki Neko Jizo of good marriage and happiness There is very big statue of Fudo Myoo. 11 meters high

It looks scary but it is a Buddha who saves us from various disasters. There is a sacred tree of thunder god nearby. Bark is peeled off by lightning strike. There is a legend that “a tree struck by lightning has a god. The god of thunder was dug into the trunk of the tree.

Lots of Jizo statues. The sheer number of them is astonishing They are all so unique that I never get tired of looking at them This is also a statue of Fudo Myoo. Unique Five Hundred Arhats statue Then a group of pilgrims arrived. There is a big statue of Fudo Myoo

Pilgrimage started by Kobo Daishi(Kukai) about 1200 years ago. (A pilgrimage journey to 88 sacred sites where Kobo-Daishi (Kukai) practiced about 1200 years ago. People who make a pilgrimage are called “ohenro-san” (pilgrims). Pilgrim And You can see a place called Heike Valley Fallen Heike warriors defeated at the battle of Dannoura

Legend has it that they hid themselves here. It is said that 5 year old Princess Chizuru and her retainers hid here. There is a place called Okuno-in (inner sanctuary) on the side. There was a place called Fudo Reisui Grotto. Heading toward the main hall

The main hall is filled with the fragrance of incense Very beautiful Shumidan After passing through the Shichifukujin Tunnel at the end of the main road There were Daikoku-do and Myokendo. Nanzoin priest wins 130 million yen lottery

Nanzoin abbot is said to be a very lucky man who has won a large amount of money many times since then. Climbing higher and higher Climbing considerably Passing under the Reclining Buddha Nakamise is crowded with people Finally, the last staircase I can see it. It’s big.

This is the world’s largest statue of the Reclining Buddha. 41m long, 11m high, weighs about 300t Almost same size as Statue of Liberty in U.S.A. Nanzoin has been in Nepal and Myanmar for a long time. Nanzoin has been sending medicines and other goods to Nepal and Myanmar for many years.

This is a return gift from the Buddhist Council of Myanmar. Return gift of a stupa (cremated remains of Buddha) to the Buddhist Council of Myanmar. (the cremated remains of the deceased Sakyamuni) as a gift. The place where the Buddha’s stupa was enshrined was This is the image of Nirvana.

This is a statue of the Reclining Buddha. You can see a chedi inside the statue. View of Reclining Buddha Somewhat unique play Oh, no! You look so calm and gentle. I introduced Nanzoin, but there are many very interesting sights. Introduction of Nanzoin temple! Thank you for watching!

世界最大の釈迦涅槃像がある、 パワースポット として注目の南蔵院を訪れました。釈迦涅槃像のその規模と美しさに圧倒されます。その他にも見どころの多い南蔵院。ご住職は宝くじ高額当選した強運の持ち主。そのご利益にあやかろうと 金運 のスポットとしても有名です。福岡県篠栗町のこの地は、立ち寄る価値がある パワースポット です。

▽篠栗四国霊場の総本寺 南蔵院

00:00 南蔵院の始まり
00:27 南蔵院の場所
00:43 入り口
01:36 水かけ地蔵
01:49 大不動明王と雷神様のご神木
02:22 お遍路さん
03:03 不動霊水窟
03:30 本堂・妙見堂/大黒堂
04:47 世界最大 の釈迦涅槃像
06:01 帰り道

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