
Drink vinegar To cry, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Brothers have arrived in Taiyuan Open a day and a night Finally from Hangzhou to Taiyuan Now we are going to a very famous place in Taiyuan Traffic police. Pingyao Ancient City

Then we set off to the ancient city of Pingyao. Go buy tickets now. Huitong the world But he is doing a lot of places Because I 625, right? There are beer and skittles in it. all have This is into the city

Let’s take a look at 30 thousands or 40 thousands people still live here. Right now. Okay. Brothers. We are now in the ancient city of Pingyao Just now, I was introduced by the tour guide. There are still more than 30000 residents living here. Then ask him about this school and this hospital.

It seems to have moved out. There are a lot of photos of this tour here. Then we’ll take you to a costume today. How about Let’s see. Private House Decline to visit Can not fast not the kind of private ah Madam, there is a local living here now, right

I am a local oh What do you live in That courtyard is a big bubble. It’s here I am a new article. Pingyao’s Is there any kind of compound and visit here? There are a lot more in it, aren’t there Do you have the escort agency?

The title just wants to bring two foreign friends to experience the feeling of escort. Ha ha ha Continue with the county government Three three three pear sugar water a ha ha Give them the whole bite later. do you want to try this close OK OK OK OK OK OK beautiful beautiful

Let’s have a ha ha ha ha ha I’ll give them a finale later. Let’s go to the front to see the escort agency first. The escort agency is in front. It feels the same as it did 200 years ago. Ha ha ha ha ha have a 300 Whatever.

This is a very old craft Look at their network. Including the wood heel carving and including this carving It’s all very traditional. This place is protected. Otherwise, it would be a high-rise building now. You think I can’t climb Development of water hair also clean up 100km

It is wrong for you to look at it. Why are they both here? In fact, the outside is bigger than the sea. Do you know what this is tomorrow? That’s not worth much. Let’s try it. Okay, let’s try it. Ha ha ha ha ha

Absolutely can be absolutely can be absolutely can be rushed The boss is like this They can’t drink. Can’t drink this This can drink can drink It’s not that they can’t drink vinegar vinegar vinegar This is health vinegar You taste the vinegar, right Taste the vinegar can drink Have you finished drinking?

The brothers looked at the door. Is this a hotel or vinegar, right? Selling wine and vinegar Sell Jiu Ge vinegar Sell vinegar can OK, OK, come on. Try this without saying OK this is A vinegar drink vinegar ah This is vinegar jar Brothers, look. Vinegar

Just now, everyone saw that this side, this side, and the other side were selling wine. Look, next to this is wine. He just looked beautiful at the bottle He said if he could take one back I said I can’t take this Bring back some wine. Scabbers wants you to destroy

It’s okay with vinegar Vinegar is fine Vinegar can bring international friends I know. I took a picture, too. Ha ha ha How much is this vinegar jar Which such a jealous jar This is ten yuan a ten yuan a buy two If they like it, give her a gift.

One by one, the head of the delegation will come out. Remember vinegar when you come to Shanxi People here like to drink vinegar Drink the vinegar as water Come on. Boss, some more, some more, some more vinegar Let them remember the taste of Shanxi This side is to show respect for them.

You have to drink this vinegar again Can’t go down another drink You have to remember ah My brother gave it to me. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You’re laughing Remember this in the sea. Ha ha ha ha ha Can you give me a little taste Give me one too

This vinegar looks very fragrant Brothers have arrived in Shanxi You must drink this vinegar. Come on, uh, uh, sour and delicious It’s sweet. Well, it’s sweet in acid. How much did the boss buy two 20 money is not too expensive Let’s get a Shanxi man to do a massage business. Lalala so pull

Can’t pull Gently point and do not move It’s locked inside The boss is gone You are fake You can borrow it to take a picture. Ha ha, can you see if men can wear women’s clothing to take photos? Hey hey hey hey Can, right? OK do it just do it Come and go

I’ll give you a big list. You see Pingyao well Can it be Practice it. Can come to the whole boss pattern It’s really true that they said it themselves. To fix the clothes of men in his house. Then I wear men’s wear women’s OK Then I, I, I wear blue chicken

Can you also have a man? Yeah, ha, ha, ha. Give it to me I’ll make a video for you No, of course I’m two. I am a person a line Ha ha ha Okay, thank you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, right Yes, yes, yes This is too nonsense This is not too nonsense

Nothing to bring this bring this? yes Oh, yeah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha He said no shit, no shit, no shit. no proble It’s not cold beautibeautiful line Then let’s start changing the shape now, right Come on, let’s shape it You four bai

It’s the four of you, isn’t it? The two girls Two men, two women Female man challenge That’s for the super man first. Yes, yes You wear which good The two black. If you want to do this, it will not be black. Black like a shroud Not very suitable for you

It’s okay. It’s okay. Yesterday we were fine a little smaller I am 200 jin Do you have 200 hair? It broke your clothes. Think about this Then why don’t you wear this I wear this Yesterday we were almost a little thinner. You can wear this, right Shoes are fine.

These clothes are all characteristic of Shanxi, aren’t they This is the clothes used to beat rich people. This taxi anchor This is the clothes that the rich man buried. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Let’s do the reformer. I wore that dress two days ago Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Pants ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha There are two good exploits a red a white That’s okay Let him take one. Not OK this is you no no no Just showed them the video He thought it was the woman who couldn’t take it. Then forget it Those four guys, come on.

This can be At this time, I think I’ll take a look Ouch, where’s Shanxi’s rich man? Sometimes I want to spread all over Europe. This kind of clothes to wear out of the country Ah, raise my national prestige Ha ha ha ha ha You’re a little bit good at this.

Kind of what’s wrong It’s a little tight. Then what to do This I am fat No way There is no wide More than 200 is this wide I want to wear not There’s no clothes I can wear Wait a minute. I’ll go see the other parents These pants have a crotch.

Shit, no, that’s not the dress I still can’t wear that money. This is what I wear Oh, I wear it like this Ha ha ha ha ha ha How big are these pants? Can’t get it in Go in. Bring a beautiful woman here next time. Brothers.

Be sure to bring a beautiful European girl to see it next time. Now look at me dressed like this I gotta — I gotta stick one of those little sunglasses And that kind of hat that what ah Ha ha ha ha ha I just thank you I have to insert a birdcage

Take a folding fan Folding fan is fine Do you have those little sunglasses small sunglasses are sold outside It’s kind of like that teacher’s temperament. Ha ha ha It’s kind of like the one who teaches and educates people. Which point to take a picture at that point?

Then go to the south and the south You don’t have to remember when you go outside the door. I can’t tie it. I’m too wide You will break you That’s it. That’s it. My stomach is so big loach Ha ha ha I didn’t sell red envelopes. This can’t be done.

This is all being filmed Oh, ah, ah, your sister is also good Little Fish You see, you can’t match a beautiful woman in this costume. Otherwise, we will shoot a beautiful woman together. You see the road go You see, there are a lot of this girl on the road. It’s Zhu Zhishan

Tang Bohu Proof there’s one who doesn’t know Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha In fact, this dress is too tight for him. You know what? It was so crowded that I felt a little uncomfortable. No generation can be thin That’s what five generations might wear I’m telling you, there’s no mental loss

Okay, right. The conditions are not as rich as the rich now. You look like that what ha ha ha ha I’m like Master Jojo You’re like that Joe gentleman Ha ha ha ha ha Is it just a generation away? Ha ha ha ha ha ha Take advantage

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha Young Master It’s the housekeeper Yang butler, this one, this one is the little book boy Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I bought a big brand 321 go well. Today, the four talented people made phone calls with Apple phones.

International version of the international list Only four international edition Just come and call Good. This mouth is too big Ray is always a little stunned. Brothers. I brought it with me. That’s how it feels. Ancient people didn’t wear long Johns. Ancient In ancient times they had that robe Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Wait, I’ll tidy up my pants OK, this is where I bring people Originally like pregnant 321 walk up this looks good Come and go over there. Let’s have one with the cannon. Let’s, let’s, let’s, the four of us, one with the cannon. Let’s take a picture of that large size. Let’s 23211 it.

Look at me Let’s have a cannon. Ah ha ha ha can be a little tighter All right, all right, let’s do this posture. This posture All right, all right. Go 321 This with the car Come on, come on, drive. The kind of car where one person rides on a bicycle for three people.

Take a picture together Can’t hear Take a picture Take a photo with the bike lane Take a picture Can can come Let me take that for you Help you install it. The second lamp Who does not wait Somebody take a look at this boat. Come on, drive someone. 321 walking.

The Second Master of the Qiao Family Courtyard have a bicycle Ha ha gentleman That’s your bike Not one person, one car. During the Qiao Family Courtyard period, one person, one car Oh handsome OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Okay, thank you. Okay, thank you. Bye.

My clothes are already too big. Almost fork fork fork Yes, ah Is it useful? Use There was this old cafe. You see the ancient mermaid Guyou Ruiyu Coffee Today I am lucky to have coffee. Ha ha ha ha ha ha This is our ancient hotel Songshen Looking for Inn Frequent Inn

In ancient times, there was also this WeChat QR code payment. This ancient and this pull-off charger air-conditioned motorcycle Ha ha ha ha ha This is our most famous ancient pedicure city Mom is dead. Ha ha ha ha ha ha too hung up beyond This is the root of the Warring States

Hey hey, come here with the Qing Dynasty to shoot one by one, get on the bus and shoot one by one. Let’s take one of the four. The feeling I just came here. Come on, let’s take a picture 3321. Not yet 321~7 Let’s go into the title now. The title goes

I just came over, please fly over How to follow here Please fasten it tightly. Why do you bring this in the title Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Let me take a picture of this Ha ha ha ha ha ha Escort Agency It’s a real thing. Really. This is the ancient express

Ancient Express In ancient times, the samurai had to have the dart. Otherwise, you’ll be robbed. Dart people should be especially able to play And to be able to bow and shoot arrows This is the era of oppression ah Exercise Here, take Buck. Then you can’t hold back your escort in ancient times.

You were in ancient times, you lost your dart. Ha ha ha ha ha Look, magic weapon, I Oh oh This one was used as a dart in ancient times. Pressure some gold and silver treasure Then the escort will take this weapon. is to protect this treasure from being transported safely

This is the escort with this weapon is very good Yeah, let’s get out. It was during this Jin Shang period that ancient China There are a lot of people doing business here. And many of them are the escort agencies. That is, a lot of goods are sent from this side.

There are a lot of green people all over the country. You can have a look There are a lot of people who rob the bid. Well, look, this is a mountain thief For example, look at this mountain thief in gray clothes. So this job is very dangerous To be very professional

Must work for China In ancient times, there was a word called Jin Shang This is where you are now in Taiyuan, um… He’s got a lot of this valuable stuff. Businesses are sent from here to many places. Therefore, there is a generation of this escort agency.

Well, well, look at this logo, it’s all martial arts skills. All kinds of weapons. Then Ensure that the goods can be safely transported to another city OK, no bleeding. Gone. It really says escort agencyOriginated from the Ming Dynasty navigation ah Qianlong period Shanxi Shenquan Zhang Heiwu

Founded China’s first escort agency, Xinglong Escort Agency, in Qianmen, Beijing. Started this Chinese Escort Agency Ha ha ha ha ha You can have a look at this one. We can see 134 a hundred years ago From the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty

Because the people here were doing business very well at that time. Well, that’s how Shanxi merchants came. So a lot of the frontier trade started here. Then you can follow those over there. Wang San San Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair In ancient times This is a very important point of loss.

For example, exchange change money Then purchase Including looking for these green markers here. It’s all here. This is the first escort of the dart. It’s all this ancient people who knew this martial arts hundreds of years ago. Escort Agency He is the money you give him He can protect you

Send your goods safely to the bag. What about this escort agency? What about this place we’re walking It’s a place where he was a central hub in ancient times. For example, in the past, you could make this exchange here. Including this hire this escort can be Money House Money House

Bank please pass this is China’s finance. Ha ha accounting plus finance I brought this accounting and finance. Look at the clothes they wear In this way, let’s first say that the bank was the big boss at that time. Ho hello hello Ha ha ha Look at all kinds of bills.

This does have some history Sv six seven can take pictures Can take pictures You see, these are some cabinets in ancient China. And then including some porcelain Look is relatively simple But his carving And some of the carvings of this part Artistic technique is still higher than very high I watch them Uh-huh.

Can’t silver two see no This silver round face And this gold round face And this copper And the kind and this silver ticket The silver ticket is equivalent to this or something. Just like this passbook now It’s like this. These are the people who float.

Maybe sometimes they just need to ship a box of money. Transport to another city Therefore, it is necessary to have people with high martial arts skills. to protect this thing. In ancient words What if you could take the javelin you’ll be rich Ha ha ha Pat this, pat this, pat this pocket

OK hey hey hey hey This is the Ming and Qing Dynasties You see, you do it The ancient Chinese had some manservants at last. And then you see this ancient time they fought Did you see it coming Look at this. This is something about the Chinese New Year or the holidays. Eat this!

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Then this is the escort agency you just saw. It has finance. have accounting And then there’s the escort You have to pay three for what you said. This thing is not allowed to move Give I just figured out

I said this side is to protect the score No moving anywhere The headmaster came to China I ‘ve always said that Chinese toilets are beautiful. Let’s show them an ancient Chinese toilet. This is Shanxi characteristic noodle A bowl of beef soup with Daoxiao Noodles Try a beef noodle Ah, you just said

It’s okay. Get off Ha ha ha 200 years ago, you were kidding. At least 500 years ago, how many years has the Daoxiao Noodles been? I’m an adult Xiao Bao has Wait for you to die again 7 years ago and 1 year ago For over 1000 years Pretty much. Oh, 1000 years

You still said here It’s okay 100 ha ha ha ha ha ha Who who OK oh little brother Come to Taiyuan You have to eat like this. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Who did this well? Is eating very resistant? This is a kind of juice this is the juice

The locals drink it like juice O no OK what the hell Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha good Drink what dish Oh, it’s really delicious It’s really delicious Uh-huh, ha, ha, ha, ha, cow force The most expensive 20 yuan rice Ha ha ha ha ha

What am I talking about? You can’t cut noodles Better than Lanzhou ramen To me to see you We ‘ve taken pictures in our costumes now. I finished eating Daoxiao Noodles There is one last stop. It is the yamen that takes them to the yamen for promotion.

Ha ha, then today this trip is over Brothers, look, there is a modern yamen in front of this. In front of this is a modern yamen. Ha ha when I was away The abyss is there, beating drums. You see, you have grievances Who put you in the pit Harmed you.

Ha ha, otherwise I’ll get you You dance right here this is china old plastation It’s a former police station in China. Let’s see this-Room 1 put you in jail. Ha ha ah Here’s what I’m driving I opened a 5000, bought this new one, etc. The headmaster is far ahead with our

I didn’t miss a second of hard shooting. Prison brothers. That’s prison. In the competition ah You’re breaking the law Put you in jail the prison Ha ha ha ha ha Hey hey OK came in I closed the door Ouch, you broke the law Turn off the cold-blooded ah ah ah What is this?

This thing is a bit like snow drops. This, this seems to be hanging on the leg Oh, the ones on the legs are sharp inside. Really. this is a very very dangerous room The lunch place was closed for lunch and went in. You go in. Come and close the door Close the door

Can be close to goodbye night Hey hey hey The bureau chief is on this and will not bring it. The chief is judging this prisoner right up there. Here’s some of this The ancient prisoner, whoever came. He went to bed He’s gonna kneel here You see, a lot of people kneeling here

He’s on his knees. He’s got marks. This is a few hundred years ago a few small game for the manager This is number one manager This is the number one mark. number two number one is china you know china very strong and the legendary mob That tiger. This is the third.

The third, third and third grade officer is this tiger, right Also a tiger. You see Kirin Ah, this is the smallest one, right Hippocampus, uh, uh, something’s wrong This is the ancient money computer computer I won’t use it either. Brothers. Today, this ancient city of Pingyao in Shanxi is over.

Let’s ask two friends. How do you feel about this place? Paudinho Levy Is this juice good to drink? olive ha ha ha ha ha This juice is famous. When the time comes, I will send you a can to take home for your family to drink. Very good juice Ha ha ha ha ha



  1. Insensitive & inpolite of you to make your guest dress as women without asking them first… Dont make a fool of your friends.

  2. 對,山西陳醋是很出名的,校長們真的是,來中國什麼味道都嘗試到了❤.😂太開心了

  3. 你 應該 大兩位 校長去下深圳香港睇下幾多深圳幾多人冇嘢做香港幾多舖頭執笠 打買觀光點何用呢😢 我知你係網紅但係畀人睇下你哋黑暗嘅一面呀嘛😢 我唔怕你搵公安嚟拉我所我或者殺我㗎 我講係事實😅 我都六十幾歲囉 但我好鍾意睇你啲片 圍 有 一笑置之😢😢😢

  4. 我看你已經好多年呀😮 由香港 封閉😮 我習習都有睇 你😮😅 遊起 學校開始😢😂 日日都睇 你的視頻😂

  5. 兩位校長最向往去北京,登長城、去天安門廣場,不知能否如願,再來機會不容易,能去就無憾😅

  6. 那些清末民初的服装太好看了!希望两校长回国后,多多教育小学生向往中国,将来到我国学习、频繁两国交流!❤🎉😊❗

  7. 感觉越来越不尊重校长了,把人当活宝耍,要不是校长给你视频带来流量,你认为我会看吗?所以请你对他俩放尊重点,不是因为你比他富有,一直替他俩付钱,就可以耍他们取乐。

  8. 哈哈,四大才子😂。

  9. 這趟中國旅遊豈不是太徹底了?從南到北,從東到西,還有房車精細旅遊。我長這麼大也沒這個機會。

  10. 古代運鏢的都走官道,而且各地分部都有鏢局區域人員,黑白兩道關係走好,壓鏢沒有想像中的危險😂

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