塩澤山寶光寺・鹿野大佛は鎌倉大仏より大きい  【土曜散歩 第78回 Saturday Walk】

[Music] [Music] it’s Saturday June 22nd Masashi hakita Station Tokyo Summerland today I would like to walk towards rokuya deu Musashi hakita station is located in auno City Tokyo rokuya dutu is located in nishitama District Tokyo it’s near where I went for Saturday walks in the past Roku yutu is approximately 2 km away Asia University [Music] [Music] heride Bridge [Music] [Music] oh there is a TWU TWU [Music] it’s over 30° today so I’m going to keep [Music] hydrated there are no cars or people in the parking [Music] lot rokuya DSU Great Buddha approached [Music] [Music] [Music] this week is all about stairs [Music] it seems that the area around the great Buddha has not been completed [Music] yet I’m going to take a [Music] break [Music] [Applause] for it took about 30 minutes from moushi hakita station to [Music] here I climbed the mountain no water is coming out [Music] unlike the Kamakura deu it does not have wings on its back [Music] the view is [Music] nice there are traces of felt trees on this slope [Music] [Music] then I’ll go down the mountain [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when will the construction be finished the toilets are also [Music] clean there is also a smoking [Music] area I’m going to stop by anus and hoko G from now on [Music] anusen hoko G [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] oh [Music] come [Music] [Music] one train left every 30 [Music] minutes I arrived at my local moushi coyama station [Music] [Music] vampire Musa shoyama station store [Music] umahi 290 Yen raaj shirasu 250 [Music] Yen zucchini tempura 150 yen [Music] add [Music] umahi thank you for the meal the bill was 980 yen [Music] thank you for watching till the end [Music]

Tokyo walking tour


鹿野大仏(ろくやだいぶつ、別表記:鹿野大佛)は、日本の東京都西多摩郡日の出町平井に所在する塩澤山寶光寺(えんたくざん ほうこうじ)境内の、鹿野山に造立された大仏である。銅造釈迦如来坐像。2018年(平成30年)4月造立。総高18メートル、像高約12メートル。


鎌倉時代以来、武蔵国多西郡平井郷塩澤(現・東京都西多摩郡日の出町平井塩沢)には、源頼朝にゆかりある天台宗の菩提院があったが、戦国時代の曹洞宗大和尚・以船文済(いせん ぶんさい。1457-1547年)は、天文8年(ユリウス暦換算:1539年)に甲斐国(現・山梨県)の妙亀山広厳院(こうごんいん)の住持になった後、平井郷塩澤にては、頼朝ゆかりの菩提院を曹洞宗に改宗せしめ、塩澤山寳光寺(宝光寺)を開山した。宝光寺は、開山以来、曹洞宗でありながら、宗派本来の釈迦如来ではなく聖観世音菩薩を本尊としてきたが、これは前身たる菩提院の本尊をそのまま引き継いできたが所以である。

02:35 鹿野大佛
07:32 寶光寺
11:50 晩杯屋


  1. Such a nice walk. So few people too! Do you like the solitude or do you like the crowds? Personally, I like the solitude. Nice to see Gigantor again! I think I will skip the snacks. Yuck! Such great weather too. Thanks for taking us along.

  2. This glimpse into Hokoji Temple and the Kano Daibutsu is truly inspiring. The meticulous craftsmanship and enduring legacy of the temple offer a powerful testament to both artistic achievement and spiritual dedication. It's beautiful reminder of timeless wellspring of inspiration that transcends culture and generations.

  3. 大仏と青空がめっちゃいいですね!

  4. こんにちは😄

  5. こんにちは😊


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