【熊本】アジサイ(紫陽花) 編 ( Vol.44.1 )/しばしの間、癒しタイムです!

Hydrangea Garden Within Sumiyoshi Nature Park, Uto City Today I am at the Hydrangea Garden located within Sumiyoshi Natural Park in Sumiyoshi Town, Uto City. Hydrangeas are said to be June flowers, but the calendar is almost into July already, and it feels like we’re about half a month late for hydrangeas blossom viewing. During the rainy season in June, hydrangeas bloom brilliantly while being soaked in the rain, changing colours in seven different ways. The color changes depending on the acidity of the soil; if it is acidic, it is blue, and if it is neutral or alkaline, it is pink or red. Hydrangeas are native to Japan, and one theory about their etymology is that they come from "azu" meaning to gather and "saai" meaning blue, which translates to "azusaai" (true indigo). ** Uto City Hydrangea Garden Explanation Excerpt Please enjoy! Sutemon Kumamoto The End. Enjoy the snapshots below. Hello I would be happy if you could subscribe to the channel. Please,thanks.

すてモン 熊本 Vol.44.1 「アジサイ(紫陽花)」編 【4K UHD】
※ 2021/07/10 公開済み動画です。BGMに問題があり再編集しました。



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#紫陽花 #あじさい #アジサイ #梅雨 #宇土市


  1. Hey my good friend how are you, this is a beautiful video love it all the amazing looking flowers thanks for sharing, stay connected cheers

  2. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Beautiful, very nice sharing, good luck, stu cnctd always 🤝👈🏻✅🎉♥️

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