Day 2-Deer Feeding in Nara Park Japan 2024

e good morning day two of our oosaka kto travel today we are heading to Nara to Nara Park and elsewhere so this is a connecting Subway going to kintetsu line from our hotel stay tuned have a great good day everyone and thank you for all of my new subscriber can Nara station we now arrived at Nara station going to NATA park by foot here you can see the direction on foot on the deer park with temples to Nar Park to Temple Temple Nara National Museum that’s the one take the exit one or four going to the park and there is also an information center East exit there family Mark but uh I notice a lot of Travelers tourist coming here all right see you later well I noticed there’s so many coin Locker around this station so for for traveler who doesn’t like to bring along their luggages so you can keep it here in the luggage Locker for 1,000 yen for use and there are also even larger lockers outside the ticket gate this is are inside the ticket the station okay exit exit the train [Music] station now let’s go to another Park okay go to n Park exit two or one [Music] [Applause] [Music] same OMG [Music] H pleas shimi shopping street not park on that Direction okay right outside the uh Nar station going to Nara Park here is the uh shopping street wow a typical Japanese shopping street coverboard well lots of restaurant souvenir shops uh drugstore tax spre shop and some Bento wow look at this oh [Music] Muji oh wow nice next free shop ah this one is a uh uh pork chop tempora restom 980 oh Japanese k every every city that we went to in Japan most Burger Tokyo Kyo KOB uh Chiba a yeah everywhere we went through always have this burger shop that’s a nice park wait look at that Temple the garden it’s not open okay that’s the end of it that’s the end oh this one is a curry car omelette that’s it W Street Food uh lots of people lining up for street food must be good otherwise they won’t be lying what is that what is that huh what what is it oh it’s like a muchi muchi much 54 [Music] must be good cheap it’s cheap that’s why oh for One Piece ah 180 for One Piece 3860 480 there here to line up [Music] that’s how they do it handmade Emoji so this is what’s inside the Emoji sweet sweet sweet red bean Moi okay let’s try some have some lunch first wow oh nice oh this one thank you okay she grilled tempora all right wow nice Japanese tea but the problem is what is this for I don’t know what it is maybe if you know something about this one you can tell me on the comment below H maybe I should ask them what can I guess maybe put that maybe you’re right anyway wait for our food wow so lucky we have our own room exclusive for two of us see the Japanese room with a nice Light lamp do this this one is a uh chili powder her order arrived this is the tempora tempora oh thank you oh hat so oh nice nice nice this one is a stream tempol with rice and mine is hot SOA and the small fried rice uh is this soup I think maybe soup or or deep for the tempura and these are variety of tempura and some appetizer okay let’s dig in nice wow which so this one and some nice very nice tempor okay let’s try it oops shaky try the SOA let’s try the SOA smell of uh charcoal good okay let’s dig in again okay now we are heading to Nar Park from the train station wow so hot so hot look at the green green trees where are the deers I don’t see any deers they’re hiding maybe two deers resting hello dear hello as you can see this is one of the major attraction in Nara the deer hunter oh here there are the deers the deers are here see if you want to buy feed feed the deer need to buy the cracker for 200 yen and be mindful about you being chased by the deer look at that you see you can see the de will hunt you look at this deer see if you start feeding them they will chase you they say thank you they said thank you look at that than thank you if they do Bow you need to Bow as well bow see bow to Bow yeah Japanese way of bowing oh PE here it’s peeping look at the de peeping [Music] de C little see look at this the deer hunter hello dear hello dear hello dear hello dear in the middle mle [Music] so many de yeah 200 huh this 500 [Music] you need to buy cracker buy a cracker buying cracker [Laughter] I told you not to buy I told you not to [Laughter] buy wait no more wait wait wait oh look at this lots of deer Beware of the poo poo deer poops so many deer poops a lot of deer poop wow look at this lot of deer poops lots of deer poops horn dear poops this is the deer deer park not a deer park for all these all right we had a good time here at the N Park where you can feed uh lots of deer around here you only have to buy 200 yen of pro to feed the beer their favorite tracker and then when you bow down they also bow down on you nice nice park famous for deer because it’s video got so many poops around Deer poops poops lots of deer poops cracker poops all right take wow lots of people around here enjoying the day with the deer and then all the poops are lying on the ground there’s another here behind me hello so many lovely deer reindeer where is Santa Claus I’m looking for Santa Claus plus all the reindeer are here the famous M Park with all the deers roaming around the ground roaming around the park freely to welcome the visitor travelers from around the world come to Nara to experience the actual feeding of reindeers there are lots of poops or deer dropping on the ground see don’t step on the bomb there is so many booby trap on the ground booby trap on the ground see don’t step on the booby trap these are all GE so when you come to Osaka you can come to Nara via express train from uh Namba station take the K keny line let me check later on I’ll give you the link of the train leading to Naro Park you can take the express train with minimum stop uh stations and the last and the terminal will be the Nara Park of the express train or speed train don’t miss this lovely park when you come to Japan Osaka or Nara okay we’ll go to the other side of the park uh cross this road a yeah here less deer with more grass on the ground same thing lots of people enjoying this lovely park with lots of booby trap it’s not so bad actually it’s not too stinky not this stinky okay my wife is going to buy him more crackers for the deer I wonder why the deer doesn’t chase the cracker seller you see I don’t know why that is so strange they are buying look at the deer such a lovely day [Music] all the tourist and the locals are enjoying this beautiful Park in Nara don’t miss out visiting this lovely park with all the deer roaming around pry and get the experience of actually feeding them with your own hand please watch our video And subscribe to our Channel watch the full video share it with your friends relatives sisters brothers nephews and nieces however you want to share my videos with your friends thank you for your support well that’s it for Nara and we will try to visit another place here in NADA or we will go to another city or prefecture wow there’s so many deer still a lot don’t know this deer just crossed the road jumping over the Pence juvenile juvenile deer oh trying to smell he’s behind what is that I think that’s a treasure house but I think it’s close the Dear Hunter and the dear Park wow look at this very nice lots of deer around see look the cars they stop and let the the deer cross the road wow as well as the people pest streams okay let’s cross to the other side we’re going to try what that building is let’s find out traffic still busy cannot cross the road what is this smoothie cash only kaido green tea U matcha 500 we’re going to try this Fuji matcha for 10,000 1,000 this one try this one we will try this one two please $1,000 1,000 what a what a beautiful lady wow young ladies wow [Music] this is a typical canal in Japan very clear water ah wow look at this trees big huge trees I wonder how this park looks like in Autumn and in the winter probably there’s a lot of uh cherry blossom in the spring Wow Let’s go explore the area wow look at this not a park there is the uh T to enterate enterate nice beew this huge n Park there will always be deer around wherever you go on the part of the area uh part of the park close to the station there are many deers because because a lot of tourists are feeding them with crackers but here inside the park you will see the a few of them few deer nice very calm very quiet place peaceful and romantic romantic Park look at this view the lake wow and then some mother and a juvenile deer By the Hillside wow look at this beautiful view you have to go down there and have a look let’s go deer everywhere let’s go down the lake oh my gosh wow this is a beautiful Park look at that unfortunately there’s no bird on the lake all right wrapping up our Naro Park Discovery heading back to the subway station actually it’s not a subway station it’s a speed train station going to number all right hope you enjoyed watching our narat trip with lots of deer roaming pretty in the park if you happen to be in Japan in Osaka or in Nar don’t miss the opportunity don’t touch to witness and experience dear ping for 200 yen of crackers all right bye-bye e

On the 2nd day of our Osaka travel we went to Nara Park since we didn’t have enough time to go there last few years ago. Nara Park is a must see when you travel to Osaka because it is just less than an hour of speed train ride from Namba Station which will cost you 680 Japanese Yen one way. There you’ll experience feeding the deer with their favorite crackers that you can purchase for 200 Yen a bundle. Be aware that the park is littered with their droppings and usually very crowded on any given day! You’ll definitely enjoy the park specially if you walk through the entire park and explore the beauty of nature around the lake!

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