[4K]2024夏至直前③✨御岩神社 ❮おいわじんじゃ❯JP4091✨待望の?最新版 “境内編”✨@茨城県日立市[2024.6.14撮影]拝殿から聴こえた雅楽と神へ捧げる唄✨激レアな御守✨

Now, we have arrived at Oiwa Shrine.Let ‘s go to visit the shrines.Also , we will be visiting the shrines until we return home.The private houses around here are very tasteful and wonderful.On June 14, 2024 It has been about 8 months since the last video of Oiwa Shrine that I visited … The videos of Oiwa Shrine that I have uploaded so far have been viewed more than 20,000 times in total.I am truly grateful for God’s blessings. The popularity of Oiwa Shrine knows no bounds, and even on weekdays, not only the first parking lot, but also the second parking lot are full, so you have to park in the third parking lot or the fourth parking lot, which is a little further away. too. On this day, I passed two large buses on my way to the shrine.It seems to have been chosen as a destination for the shrine tour.Surprisingly, there are traces of landslides on the road that were there when I visited last October , and there are places where only one-way traffic is allowed. It is still in the same state. *A driving video is also scheduled to be uploaded . *By the way, the theme of my channel is "experience", so I will send you the actual process of visiting the shrine without cutting it as much as possible. That’s what I came here to do. You can also fast-forward using the chapter function, which allows you to skip to each scene.The text above is difficult to notice in the video.This is my fifth time, and I discover new things every time.Black on the left I was wondering what the brand new building on the wall was, and speaking of discovery, I discovered a shrine that is enshrined inconspicuously.What kind of god is it? It may be the god of the gate that is enshrined at the entrance.On the premises of a private house. That’s what I thought, so I didn’t have any enemies going in. A nice rest area was added next to the shrine office. Here ‘s what it looked like before. Enmusubi no Heart Ishia Furisha and Bentensha Benzaiten , of course, and Afuri, also known as rain, are the gods who pray for rain.This time, we will walk around the shrine grounds while receiving the light from the powerful sun just before the summer solstice. We will mainly introduce this site. *There are also videos of other Oiwa Shrines. Please go to the overview section or playlist. Harado Shrine You can borrow a walking stick from here. Maybe it’s because of the divine energy, but I walk slowly, as if I was forced to walk slowly . Am I the only one? Kosatsunosho Atago I will finally visit the shrine, Torii Atago Shrine . Is there anyone who thought that there was a newly enshrined Inari Shrine ? I had always wondered if there was an Inari Shrine here, but I saw this shrine in my photograph of "Oiwa Shrine ③" taken on October 6, 2023. As we approached the tower gate, there were three cedar trees on Mt. Nitten Gatten Oiwa, 9 meters in circumference, 50 meters high, estimated to be 600 years old, and three trunks from 3 meters above the ground . The sky is evenly divided.I do this every time I come.Please take a photo so that the sun enters between the three cedar trees.This is what it looks like.This is the power of the sacred tree.I am Kabirei Shrine. There is also another Sanbonsugi that I found on the way to Omotesando (in the Let’s go to Kabirei section) .The very beautiful tower gate (former Dai-Niomon) was rebuilt for the first time in 120 years during the Heisei era. Apparently, the plaque reading “Manyo Yasukuni” is written by Narimasa Tokugawa , the 15th head of the Mito Tokugawa family, born in 1950. If you look closely, you can see his name written on the back side . We read aloud the Hitachikoku Fudoki in the Kabirei Jingu edition. We hope you will watch it. We also have the 188th God, Mitake Shrine edition. Summary section, playlist You can check where you can go by passing through the torii gate on the left side of the guide map in the “Kabarei Shrine Edition” Inside the Dainichi-do Hall , a seated statue of Dainichi Nyorai is enshrined, dating back to the Edo period. Sosai Shrine was deeply believed and revered as the principal image of Oiwa Daigongen . Musubinokami) Kamimusubi no Kami Yachimatahikonokami Yachimatahimenokami Oiwa Mountain Cloud Dragon Miki Okamura Goshuin with this ceiling painting design I am also using the book.The sound of the drums has started to sound.I am hurrying towards the shrine.I can hear the sound of the bell.I am seated on a bench directly in front of the shrine.It seems like something is about to begin. I’m looking forward to it. I’m grateful that I was able to record the tones of gagaku (about 5 minutes). *Since very small sounds are amplified, noise is also amplified. Coincidentally, the shrine maiden dance that was being performed inside the shrine was also captured in the video. *The image quality is not good because it has been enlarged * I hope you will forgive me, thinking that this is the will of God and Buddha.Surprisingly , it seems that the performance is accompanied by a song. Tachi no Mikoto) Okuninushi no Mikoto, Izanagi no Mikoto, Izanami no Mikoto, and 22 other pillars. Please join us if you wish. *You can hear the bass of the drum. Headphones are recommended as it is spicy so we have arrived at the Omotesando entrance of the main shrine Inari Soja Seijyo Inari, Jukata Inari, Byakuko Inari, Masaki Inari, Fushimi Inari Sanshuden Omotesando. Miraculously, I was able to receive an amulet named after the Dragon King, so I prayed to receive the divine virtue. *Irishken is the name of this place. *The other one is a friend. To. Later, when I tried to put the sword in the bag, I noticed that there was a small piece of wood inside.The small piece of wood was probably a piece of a sacred tree.It was an amulet containing a piece of a sacred tree. … I feel like such a talisman has been distributed somewhere.I would like to see it at least once at Dainichido, which is only open twice a year during the Eko Festival.I’m grateful for today. It is said that there is a writer who will write the stamp for you , so I received the stamp by hand. Let’s go up to Atago Shrine. It only takes about 1 and a half minutes to climb, so please come and pray. I slipped. Let’s climb up. These stairs and the shrine at the top of the mountain were maintained and enshrined last year (2023). When I asked the person at the shrine office, I found out that the shrine at the top enshrines the deity of Atago Shrine. The stairs that you said you would go to have come off.Next , please visit Atago Shrine remotely.I calmed down in this place for a while.I will descend.For safety reasons, I stopped the camera on the way down. Thank you for watching. Click here for the recommended video of 188 Pillars of God and Buddha .

00:00 – はじめに
01:16 – 御岩神社と彫られた巨岩
02:03 – 社務所と休憩所
02:16 – ハート型の石・阿夫利社・弁天社
02:51 – 夏至直前の太陽を浴びながら参道を往く
04:08 – 愛宕神社(登拝は後程)
05:16 – 楼門
06:34 – 御岩山の三本杉
07:48 – 楼門再び(仁王像)
10:18 – 楼門を過ぎて斎神社まで
13:14 – 斎神社
15:19 – 太鼓の音
16:28 – 拝殿の中で行われていた巫女舞が偶然にも映っていました
18:53 – 遠隔参拝をどうぞ
21:43 – 本殿
22:41 – 御神木・姥神・青麻神社・稲荷総社
23:46 – 参集殿の裏へ
24:24 – 入四間不動明王・八大龍王(御守に〇〇する)
25:24 – 社務所へ戻る
27:33 – 御朱印披露
28:00 – 愛宕神社
30:50 – 遠隔参拝をどうぞ(愛宕神社)
32:04 – おわりに

[4K]2024夏至直前①✨御岩神社❮おいわじんじゃ❯と御岩山の御嶽神社 ❮みたけじんじゃ❯JP4075✨@茨城県日立市[2024.6.14撮影]呼ばれた人しか辿り着けない188番目の神✨

[4K]2024夏至直前②✨御岩神社の賀毗禮神宮 ❮かびれじんぐう❯JP289✨@茨城県日立市[2024.6.14撮影]ラヂオドラマ-常陸國風土記-収録✨


[4K]宇宙から見えたという光の柱「御岩神社②(後編)」賀毗禮神宮 ❮かびれじんぐう❯𝕁ℙ283および御神体へ登拝、全道程収録@茨城県日立市[2023.10.6撮影]




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