【バンコク15日間】タイ2ヶ月プチ移住♪vol.1サイアム/ 東京アラフィフ女ひとり旅

I moved to Thailand for 2 months and stayed in Bangkok for 15 days. We spent our first three days in Bangkok enjoying the area around Siam, from shopping and gourmet food in the big city to the most powerful places in Bangkok and the wonderful Jim Thompson house . While comparing it with other Southeast Asian countries, I will also tell you information unique to Thailand.Enjoy it till the end.Here it is.It’s a bit me, I was taking a video from the station earlier, but I deleted it.I made a mistake. Ta. We arrived at the hotel around 6:30 and it was already dark by 8:00. This place is close to the station, but the roads are so rough that it’s really hard to carry suitcases. That’s a lot of traffic. Each signal is difficult. Even though it’s so close, it’s tough.As expected, Bangkok is a big city.It’s my first time here, and I didn’t have any advance information, but since it’s a big city, the train system is no different from Tokyo, and it’s easy to understand from Osaka . Despite the way cities work , there’s always a lot of traffic, so there’s always a lot of traffic on Grab.In fact, I tried my best to get to the hotel in a suitcase, but it was really tough because the roads were bad and the traffic was really bad. It’s like a car race. It was blue, but the cars wouldn’t stop, so it turned red. It’s already blue, so it’s finally blue. This is only slightly blue. That’s why it’s so troublesome. You ca n’t cross all at once. There’s a lot of traffic . This one seems to be famous, so let’s go to Terminal 21. I think I’ll just take a quick look at the shopping mall and go somewhere else. It’s not that much of a difference.It comes from the squvit of the main character, and the makku is connected, so the nema is connected.As I mentioned earlier, you can carry 40 kg of luggage. . I think it’s directly connected to the station, so let’s go to the right side number. By the way, in Japan, Tokyo is on the left. Osaka on the escalator is on the right, so I often get it wrong. I’m not sure which way it was.It’s my first time here, but it’s okay.For the most part, I feel like I already know the way to go if I’m in a big city.I wonder if I’ll go from here?They’re generally built similarly. Even on the train. As expected, once you get to the MRT, it’s really no different from Tokyo.Everyone is very fashionable, and the place is really nice.There’s no information on rotation, so I was on the JNR when I was coming from Yu. So I did a little research and it’s just like that. It’s interesting every time I come here. It’s so hard. It’s like this when I ride the train. It’s like this here. It’s the same at Tanar Shopping Mall . The air conditioner is quite harsh. The air conditioner is pretty hot. It feels kind of boring, but it’s big, but it feels like it’s from a very local place, right in the middle of nature, but I’m going to have a quick bite to eat, and I wonder if they’re doing some kind of promotion today. I seem to have forgotten to calculate the price.It’s a little expensive, but I don’t know what to do.I’m a middle-aged Hammer.I’m tired from traveling anyway.As expected, it ‘s a very common shopping mall. I think it’s good for people who have some shopping to do.It ‘s a bit like this kind of eco-friendly place, but it might be a bit like sea bream.There’s even tempura rice bowls, and there’s probably a lot of Japanese food.It’s variable.It can’t be helped if you eat Japanese food all the time, and I think I ate Tsukiya too . Well, I’ve never seen it in Japan, but it’s written in Japanese as well. I wonder if it’s called All Star, and it’s about 800 yen. They also have ramen, and it’s usually written as Yushiyo . Well, there’s definitely a lot of Japanese food in Thailand.The food brands are a little different from those in Malaysia.I’ve never seen anything like this before.Chicken ramen in Malaysia is very common, and it’s written in Japanese. But you know, there’s less Japanese in Thailand.Overall , there are only articles about Japanese food, and there aren’t any Japanese department stores.I’m just trying to figure it out now, but if you look around Bangkok a little more, you might find one, but yeah , that’s not it. Well, Thailand is basically a Thai country, so that’s the case, but Malaysia is really multinational, so there’s Arabic food, Indian food, Korean food, Chinese food, Thai food, of course, but there are cuisines from many different countries. Thailand is Thailand after all, right? I think it’s a little different in the center, but I think that’s why the language is also a counter-language, so this is also Japanese.There are quite a few things I’ve never seen in Japan. I don’t know what it is, there are quite a few things I’ve never seen in Japan, but they’re different brands, and there’s a large store that appeals to nerds.It ‘s quite expensive.If you pay 300 yen, you’ll probably pay around 1,300 yen.It’s quite expensive. After all, it’s expensive.Japanese food overseas is expensive, but I don’t know if the taste is the same or not.They also have Shizuoka tea, soba noodles, etc.I stand on the right side, so it’s easy to see that there are footprints, so I look closely at it. However, it’s like a normal shopping mall, and ramen is popular, but Chinese people also say that when they buy ramen, they say that Japanese ramen and Chinese ramen have a distinct taste. It’s ramen from bone bari, Arashi bone ramen is 155 yen, 200 yen. Well, it’s around 600 yen to 800 yen, I guess it’s not that expensive. The Yokohama Hakkei ramen may look delicious, but I feel like they’re going to eat here on purpose like this. Well , I’ve come to a place that looks like a food court.I don’t really need something light.I’m not that hungry, so I’d like to eat something light.If there’s anything good, I might as well eat it.There’s a lot of food nearby. I think I’ll probably be fine on my way home.The reviews said that I was out until 11pm, but it was fine.But this place is really big.There are lots of places to eat.It ‘s nice to have something that feels like a local after a while . But this is sukiyaki, so it might be Japanese style.Ah, this place might be good.There’s a huge line up, so I think it’s delicious.I’m sure this place is good.There’s a huge line of shops here , so I bought some here too. I think I ‘ll take a look at some other places while I’m looking at the drinks.The food court is enough.It’s food.The local food looks pretty good, too.This place looks delicious.Hyf looks pretty good. Right here, there’s a drink, a fruit smoothie. There’s a line for this too. There’s a huge line. Ah, the mango looks delicious. I’d like to have some of this too. There’s also one over here, but it’s lined up. This is what it looks like. There’s a mango shop over there, and apparently there’s a delicious mango shop in Saiyam, so I’d like to go there too.I’m also curious about the coconut and other things, but I’m thinking of Mago, which is amazing. Could you please help me find it? Well, there are all sorts of mixed fruits.The food looks really delicious.There are so many different kinds of things on this court.They also sell a lot of fruits, and the ones I wanted to see earlier are delicious in smoothies. At the food court, you don’t have to pay with cash , you have to buy something here.I don’t really understand, but it’s a hassle to have to buy something.It’s like there’s a card for the food court, so it’s a hassle.I don’t have to buy anything to eat at the food court. Now that I think about it, you have to buy this card, and it’s cash only, and it seems like you can choose your own dead number or whatever, but if you have any leftovers, they’ll give you the money back, but it’s a nuisance.It ‘s kind of a nuisance if this kind of system works. It’s such a hassle, isn’t it? Why do we have to do it here and there? It’s okay, just do it in each place. It’s really a hassle. I got a stinky mango.It’s 30x and it’s about 125.I guess this mechanism is too bad, and in the end, only Terminal 21 can be used.The way it’s shown, I don’t want it to be so embarrassing.Travellers only use it at that time. You can’t register something like this in Nisasa , you have to get the cash back later, it’s really troublesome to have a cart. It’s the same with words , but there’s something inside the hollow coat that sterilizes it.That ‘s a good idea.It’s a green onion , but it’s pretty troublesome.It’s nice to be able to sterilize it, though.This is where it comes in. I always carry disinfectant tar, so it’s not that burnt, but I looked at this and it wasn’t burnt at all.I had fried rice with seafood.It cost 45 baht, which is about 200 yen. As expected, there was a huge line and it was delicious.This place was amazing.Even when I looked at it from behind, there was a line.It was delicious.It was a bit late for Gappa, but I ate it all.It cost 75 baht in total, so it was 30,000 baht. The yen is a bit cheap , after all, there’s a mart downstairs.This place feels like Tokyo, so I’ve written a lot about Harajuku, Ikebukuro, etc.I wonder what it’s like, rice rice, Tabata, etc.It’s minor. I’m writing about Ikebukuro, Kokoka, Hamamatsu, etc., Akihabara, I feel like I’m writing about JR for the time being, Ochicho Bota, Shibuya, etc. The upper one is already closed, it’s 9:30 . Well, it’s pretty mana until about 10 o’clock or so. It might be really cute. It’s kind of cute and kind of rough and rough. Yeah, it’s in Tokyo, Japan. Yeah, it’s cute. It’s cute. I guess it’s for young people. This is pretty cute. It’s stylish. I don’t know how much it costs, I’m actually running out of clothes, but since I’ve been buying them, I’ve ended up with a surprisingly large amount of them. 3,900 busses is quite expensive. It’s around 16,000, but it’s not that much. I do n’t think I’ll spend that much. Well, it depends a little on the material, but yeah, Higurashi is strange.I thought it was because Takada’s Baba’s eyes were from the escalator, and that’s what it looked like.I think it ‘s Omotesando Harajuku with Odateyama written on it. It ‘s a street-like feeling. Yeah, it’s true that there’s a lot of peace and hope. There’s a lot of things written about peace and hope , but it’s interesting. Well, there are a lot of places in Japan. You can hear Japanese when you walk around. Thailand and Malaysia, after all. There are a lot of people here, so this time I got foot cancer on the left side. What does that mean? There’s a rule that when you go up, you go to the right, and when you go down, you go to the left. I don’t really understand . This time, it’s got a European atmosphere. I wonder if the atmosphere is different. Nekocchi is kind of like this, this time it’s not Tokyo, it’s like Rome or something like that. I ‘m in the basement, there’s Watsons, there’s a lot of things going on, there’s an ATM, there’s an LG, and there ‘s also a Daiso in Bangkok . But it’s not 60ba expensive, it’s around 250 yen, but even though it’s 100 yen, it’s 250 yen, which is super expensive. In Malaysia, it’s Daiso Japan , but that’s not there. It’s just Daiso. Yeah, it’s expensive, 60ba or so. It’s expensive, but it’s not that big. Yes, it’s nice to have something in it. It’s a bit expensive. If it was Malaysia, it would have cost less than 200 yen in Japanese yen. I think it was around 180 yen. It’s a little expensive, 250 yen. I think it’s about 100,000 yen , right? Well, I guess I’ll go that far and buy it at Daiso, right? It’s almost time for the store to close. Just now, when I went to Watson , I was really tempted by Mr. Neoka, who wears high heels and wears a body-con dress, and I’m super excited about cosmetics. I wanted to see it at Zakashidasu , but you can’t buy it unless there are 200 people and 200 bars or more, so I have to use a credit card.It’s really troublesome, so I don’t have a credit card. I have to buy a sword, right? It’s too much trouble for me. I’m really not cut out for sea bream. For now, I have to cheerfully change the card I used earlier to something that feels like cash and take it out again. It’s a hassle , right? Cash. This country is a real mess. I can’t even communicate in English. It’s really troublesome. To me, I can’t tell the difference between Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. People here always make mistakes. After asking Genki at the food court to write down the balance, I’d like to relax at a resort in Thailand, like Pipit or Puke, but it ‘s really expensive and doesn’t match the quality. It’s worth the quality. It ‘s so expensive that it’s so expensive at this level. It’s disgusting. The rip-off mentality is amazing. It’s true. I don’t really know what’s good about it. I don’t know.There ‘s a beckoning cat that doesn’t.It ‘s a really big welcome.It’s written with a smile.It’s just now.It just closed.It was really troublesome just to eat food.The food goat is already really annoying, but I… The taxi is amazing. I couldn’t really tell where it came from. It’s so bright right now. I think it’s okay. It’s the Westin here, or the Westin is here, so it’s kind of hot . I just got here. I just came here today, and I was able to see the land quite a few hours ago.I didn’t prepare anything in advance, but the poop is a little different right now.I’m walking around, but the exhaust fumes are so strong that I’m starting to cough. Well, I guess it’s Times Spear. I don’t think things have changed much around here in the city, so I’d like to move quickly. I’ve seen the screws and other things that are unique to Bangkok. Okay, cities don’t really change that much. There are definitely things like this. This is Terminal 21. It’s written like this, so I wish it would have remained with a motif that matches this. There was Tokyo earlier, and Rome too. I found out that that shopping mall was built with a chiff to match this , but I don’t want to go home , the stadium is all over the place.Anyway, the air is already bad and I want to go home as soon as possible. I want to end it quickly . Oh no, it turned red. It feels like a real building. It feels like an apartment building . It’s a total of 5 episodes. I’m on the second floor, so I can see the street from the window . I lost the video, so I can’t show it to you because I’ve spread out a lot of things, but yeah, I deleted the photo earlier, but it ‘s really small. I made a mistake and deleted the video. It’s the bathroom. Well, it’s the bare minimum. It really feels like this, and I thought it was a tissue, but it’s actually toilet paper. Why do people use toilet paper to wipe tissues like this? When I open the window, I can see a lot of passersby. I’m on the second floor, so I don’t know if it’s upstairs. Well , the scenery is just electric wires, so I closed it off. Well, it seems like the exhaust was too noisy, so it’s not that great. Ha, it’s not that good. It looks like I’ve smoked quite a bit. It’s a bit harsh. Those who left Bangkok early. That’s good, seriously, there’s nothing good about the sea bream. I don’t know what the hell is a sea bream ? The overall quality is low, but the price is high. I’ll see how it goes, but it’s already a problem. Overall, I don’t have much good to say . Good morning. But this is the second floor, so I can only open it a little. I can already see a lot of people walking outside. This is the second floor. It’s a bit tough. Teacher, it’s on the upper floor. Without it, all I could see was the electric wires, and superhumans were passing by. You may not be able to look up, but you can really see it. I’ve unfolded my luggage, but I took a photo of part of the room. This is what it looks like. It’s inside the hotel. This is what it looks like. It looks a bit like a Koamigu . There’s an outlet downstairs.I wonder if I can use it.Maybe there’s something like that.There ‘s an outlet here as well.I’m going to use it for a while.I still have some time until checkout, so I think I’ll go to the park for a while. Okay, let’s go. It’s already hot at 10:30, but it’s pretty hot, so I put on my sunglasses, and after all, yesterday I felt like my throat was hurt by the gas, so after that, I carried around that honey, that natural honey. Honey is really good for your throat, of course, but it also boosts your immune system.It’s also very effective for preserving honey, so even if you find honey in ancient ruins, you can still eat it.It’s super preserved. It’s really good for stocking up on honey, so I definitely need honey.It’s super nutritious.It’s natural honey.I ate a little bit of it, and I felt much better.I’m also wearing a mask because I’m with my sister. Well, I haven’t worn a mask yet, but there are supplements from India such as Tulsi from India.I’m a natural person.After I got infected with the coronavirus, I had quite a few side effects, but I felt that it was amazing . Tanekari Indian Netoshi is also famous and there are many kinds of them, and a Japanese person living in Ife sells them, so if you are interested, please try buying them.I currently own one and repair it . It’s so hot, but I wore a mask.I put tape on my nose, but it’s hot, so it comes off.There ‘s a park near here, so I’d like to go for a walk.I’d like to check it out. This is the most difficult technique for a dog.It flies off very quickly, so I need to get used to it, but my luggage is light today, so I have a chance, but it’s super fast, super fast, seriously, the bike is fast. Hey, I wonder if I can cross this? The sidewalk is really far away. It’s the same with that person, but it’s super tough to cross the sidewalk. There’s a sidewalk, but it’s a pain. I’ve already come this far, but it’s really tough. There are about 5 lanes . Is this dangerous? Maybe it’s better to just go back up and climb up. It’s difficult, so there’s no break in the road. I’ll just take it easy and climb up. It looks pretty tough up there . This is the view from the top of Tokyo. Well, this is definitely a feeling, but I arrived at a park near where construction was going on. I thought it was 10:30 and it was a bit hot at 9:00. It was late when I was there, but the flowers are blooming and it’s beautiful.It’s quite long, but it’s not that big.It’s really nice for a morning walk . I thought I’d come early, after all.I’ve been out lately after checking out, so it’s been a while since I’ve had enough sunlight.That way, it gives me a balance to sleep.Maybe that melatonin?I don’t bathe in the flesh in the morning . My brain is set up to know how many hours later I should go to bed, so I always think I’m running late.In order to wake up early, I have to take a shower a little earlier in the morning. It’s a bit late today at 10:30, but I think it’s best to take a shower before 9am, and around 8am is best.I do n’t think I’ll be in a room where the window won’t open in the morning. I usually have to go out once a day , but I guess it’s nice to be in a hotel or something.It’s already quite hot, but it’s already 10:30 , and I think it’s going to get hotter from now on. It’s really a park surrounded by buildings. There are so many amazing buildings. The sky is quite blue. It’s a little grayish, but it’s quite pleasant. There’s a pond-like area. There are benches here and there. This park It took about 20 minutes to go around the city.It would be really dangerous if I didn’t go to a nearby restaurant for breakfast.I can’t buy anything because I don’t use about 15 bucks right now.You can’t use credit cards in Japanese. It says that in most cases you have to have more than a certain amount of credit before you can use it.Ta is really troublesome.There are places like Shizuoka Machi.Also, it’s not a big deal, but it’s a little light breakfast. This is Yuzu and it costs 65. Yes, thank you is written in Japanese. Also, the bread is 45 parts. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I’m going to eat it. I don’t have much time, so I’ll hurry. It’s probably better than I expected. Well, it’s really refreshing. There was surprisingly a lot of ice, and there wasn’t much inside. I’ll go to the next hotel in a little while. It’s Lohas Residence. Oh yeah, I’m already doing too much laundry, so it’s a problem, so I got one with a washing machine. Belka Drink, Hasadi , Chicken Puri, and Chicken Puri’s lobby is also quite spacious.I arrived.Oh really, it’s a normal apartment.Well, it’s a little old, but I guess it’s okay.There seems to be a minimum standard.Yeah, it’s quite spacious. Well, as expected, there’s a bathtub, so it’s nice.The facilities are a bit old-fashioned, but there are quite a few places to stay.Well, it’s quite old. It’s yellow. Anyway, I can’t help but want to do laundry today, so in that respect, it was a little more difficult to do the apartment type today, but it’s still different from that one, so there’s a staff there. I don’t know what the windows look like, but I think the view is pretty average. Well, it’s a bit of a mess. It’s a bit of a mess, but I wonder how much it cost 7,000. It’s still Friday , so I guess it’s okay. Well, I can’t help but stay for one night. I want to do some laundry, so they give me all the laundry, which is nice.I carry it with me too, and it has plenty of water, which is nice.It’s a little worn out, but I guess it can’t be helped.They keep the detergent like this. I like this one, and this one is new too. It’s fine. I don’t use it much because I don’t want other people to use it. I usually use it myself because it doesn’t get dirty with air conditioning, but I have a little bit of it here too. Yeah, I don’t use it much. Well, there are a lot of things. It’s quite complete . Here and there, there are slippers and things like this. There are slippers. I don’t know who used them. They ‘re not new. I’ll never use them. After this, it’s a regular closet. It’s a little small, like a yoga mat. Well, I was thinking of going to the toilet, and when I opened the lid of the toilet, there was some hair inside, and it was super disgusting, but oh well , it’s kind of old. It seems like they’re really particular about it, so I’m definitely going to write about it.Well, it’s a bit harsh, but it ‘s because it’s so old, and they haven’t been able to wage wars properly, so in the end, they don’t wash their toilet bowls properly. I’m paying around 7,000 or 7,500 yen for something like this, so I think it’s a bit expensive for Nema Friday, but all I have to do now is eat the washing machine.It ‘s not like I’ve stopped paying for something like this, but I can’t help it. That’s because it’s a little strange.It’s a night view.Well, the city is generally not beautiful.Maybe it’s still better when it gets dark.It has a very old feel . I feel like I’m completely protected by the atmospheric line. It’s hot, but it’s night. It’s 8:00, 17 minutes, but I’m going to go to dinner now, so it’s late, but it ‘s Friday night, so it’s kind of weird here. The Process Center is a good place. There’s a little bit of food inside , but I went inside and there’s food downstairs as well. Well, it’s not a big deal. It doesn’t seem like it’s happening anymore, but it’s kind of like a conversion. However, in Thailand, there are quite a lot of places like this . Nowadays, there are a lot of places that don’t have that kind of thing anymore. In Thailand, at that seaside resort. I didn’t see any roads, but there’s a huge bank. There’s some vegetables over there, so I’d like to try it. It’s a very difficult thing to cross. I got to the middle, but I guess I’m glad I came from the other side . The road was rough, but I managed to get across safely.As expected, the ATM of Painting Cashing had a fee of 2,200,000 yen, but it was about 900 yen, so I didn’t hate it, so I guess I failed to take it.That’s it. It would have been better if I had just transferred it to Rakuten Bank and withdrawn it normally.It would have been better if I had used a regular debit card instead of overseas cashing.I made a mistake and lost about 1,000 yen. It’s a waste, is n’t it? It says "Sat" and that’s all there is, so it’s not really that much. I just came here just in case, but I don’t know if I should take the train or what. It’s late. It’s already around 8:30, but there’s nothing around here. Well, don’t get too blunt about it. Even if you wear a mask, it’s not good. Even if you wear a mask, the exhaust air is too loud, and there’s no need to cut it off. The room is small, expensive, and cluttered. I guess you like it, but I don’t like it at all. I don’t think so. After all, KCC and millet stores still have money.It’s too messy.I think people who like chaos would like this, but there are a lot of stores that want to open stores.No, it ‘s just a mess. I don’t like Pacaya at all, so I don’t think I’ll go there, but it seems like Woo is not going anywhere, so I guess that’s what it’s like on a Friday night . It’s just that people are having fun. There’s also a food court in a place like that , so I realized there’s no restaurant or anything, it’s a mess. It’s quite far from that hotel, and it’s pretty dark. The worst thing about that place is if it gets late, you can grab it. I might even ride a bike, but in Kai’s case, there’s a Negrab bike, which means it’s a little cheaper, but it’s also dangerous.There are almost no helmets , so this is the Green Line, and this is the Green Line cart. Well, I got it when I was on standby for the first time, but I didn’t need another person with me, so they gave it to me . It’s now Neko’s first time buying campaign, so I have to show my passport here. I have to go through the passport formalities once, so I can pass. I’m so glad I went. It ‘s only 100x. I thought it would be 1000x, but that’s it.The other person I was with gave it to me, so I have 200x worth.I had them both do it for me.I think I’ll go a little lighter today. I don’t go there because it’s late, but it ‘s called Era-One, which is very famous and has the most popular spot, and it seems like there’s a place where wishes come true because everyone goes there, so I think it’s a 34-stop train ride from here. There are quite a lot of things to see near there, like shopping malls, so I’m thinking of going there tomorrow. It’s a bit painful. It’s so hot that I’m having trouble breathing. I’d rather be on the train. The air is worse outside, so I left.The 7th station here is just past Sohoku Station.The train is really normal.I’m going to get off at this place.Maybe this is the place where something is wrong. Well , it looks like they’re open until 10pm, but I don’t think they sell any tools when you go to pray. It’s nighttime at this time, and it ‘s a big shopping mall, so I’ll just list three things here. I think it’s already around 9 o’clock , but I think the shopping mall is open until 10 o’clock, so I’m done with laundry today, but it’s been piling up so much that I haven’t been able to make much progress.I’m not sure, but I’ll do it anyway. I’m going to go there.I’m the type of person who just goes anyway , so I guess it’s because there’s written information in English.I can already see the shopping mall, so let’s eat somewhere around here.It’s pretty visible from here, and there are quite a few shops. It feels like there are a lot of them.At the moment, that LOHAS place is really just for the washing machine, so it ‘s surprisingly far away.It’s about 1km from the station.If it’s that far from the station, it might not be very convenient. I don’t know how much money is left, but it means 28 left in 72. I didn’t think it was only 100 baht. I thought it was a little more. I thought it was 1 baht, but that’s strange. I’m going to go here for a bit, but I don’t think Banco-nin will be that long, so I think 200 busses is enough in that respect.I don’t know what it is, but I went in. Normally, it’s the other way around.Normally , you wear a mask when you enter a facility, but this one is on standby, so you take off your mask when you enter the facility.That’s strange.I don’t really understand where Siam Center is. Now that I’m here , I see that you’ve heard of Siam Paragon.I see there’s a link to it.Let ‘s go to Siam Flagon, probably tomorrow.If I can go later, I ‘ll also go to some house. I thought I’d check it out, but I don’t remember it at all. After that, I stopped at two decent hotels, so I thought it might be a little boring. It’s not that high-class, but I wonder if I can go to Paragon from here. But I heard it was called Siam Center, and I think that’s Paragon. Yeah, let’s go there. There was a shopping mall around here, right? Well, I just want to eat, so the shopping mall is also open. It’ll be light if I can see it, but I only have about an hour left , so I can eat at Beams, Spa, or any other regular restaurant, so it’s fine . Even if I’m bald, let’s go to the food court. I want to eat something that can’t be found anywhere else. Right , it’s the Chocolate Factory . There’s a full court. Ah, gourmet market. Let’s go up first . Let’s take a look at it . It’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful shopping street with Fendi and other things. Lastly, it has a Paragon Pavilion-like atmosphere. Hey, I see that there’s a luxury corner at Hermes. After all, this Siyam is kind of dreamy. It’s kind of central. I’m pretty sure Bako’s year-end event is already at Siam Untara. I want to eat food, right? I only had those two pieces of bread in the morning, and nothing else.And I only had a few snacks, and all I had was alcohol and cookies.I went to the laundry. I was being chased, so the washing machine is a little troublesome. I want to go to this washing machine , and also the pink car . Let’s go to Mr. Den’s house too. The statues are amazing, after all. All of them are by Mr. Maso. It’s God, and it’s connected to the Siam Center. You can see this from the station. It’s the station, so events are held here. They sell fruits and other tropical fruits. It seems like it’s a good night, and there’s even a fountain. It’s already over in terms of time, but I’m still doing it. Is it durian? I don’t like durian. Let’s go eat then. I’m back to Siam Center. So far, I’ve seen everything in 5 minutes. But the food court I was mistaken about was Siam Dragon. I was mistaken, it was Siam Paragon, not Dragon. I’ll go back for a moment. I ate dinner, but I haven’t eaten yet, so I guess today is the perfect time for a Friday night. There are more lively events like this over there, but for now, I don’t have much time left, so I’d like to take my time and watch it again. I think it’s Flagon again. Where is the food code? I passed by some place a while ago , and it’s really a high-class town with things like Bottega. This place seems like there’s something downstairs, so it’s all about eating . It’s pretty stylish. There seem to be a lot of shops, which looks good.It ‘s not in the food code, but there’s also a restaurant called PWG.Yes , this place is popular.It’s open till late.It’s Friday, so I don’t care if it’s world-class food , but some places may be closed by the end.9 It ‘s too late now . It looks delicious. It’s not a food court. It’s a normal place. It’s real Pokong. It’s sushi. It’s Japanese food. Yeah, this is also a Japanese restaurant. It’s blue. Japanese is good. But it’s quite big. It’s nice here. It’s nice there. Let’s take a look. Did it come in from here? Is it different? It’s kind of nice here. It’s amazing. It’s like this again. It’s Mr. Zo again . He also does Happiaman. It’s just Petit. It was too much . Oh, it looks delicious. It’s great that it’s 50% fried, but I can’t eat this kind of thing by myself. It’s more like sharing it with a large group of people. I want to eat somehow. It’s a good looking restaurant with some delicious cuisine.I wonder if it’s expensive.Saia is probably the most expensive place in the world.It ‘s like Malaysia’s Bukit Bita KCC. I’ll take a look at the top too.It ‘s a very stylish atmosphere.Yes , there was a supermarket, but it makes me feel like I’m going to buy something at the supermarket.I wonder if there’s anything at the cashier.It ‘s already 9:12, so I want to eat quickly. They’ve got menus all over there, too. I guess they really want to see this shop lined up like this. It’s an ice cream shop, so let’s check it out. The shops around here are really high-class and nice. I guess I’ll be around here again tomorrow, so when I made a wish for Elan Man, I’d like to stop by for a bit.I’ll do some sightseeing.I’ll have to do a little sightseeing, so the blue flowers are nice too. Is there a restaurant-like cafe? There’s a cafe in Aoyama called the Aoyama Flower Market, and it’s in Omotesando, and it’s full of flowers. It’s like you can eat that kind of food while surrounded by flowers. There’s a place.It’s right next to the station, but I think there was one in Akasaka too.It’s like a food court, and there are a lot of Japanese restaurants and things like that.They sell things like seaweed rolls.It ‘s annoying.What should I do? I’m glad I did. There’s a lot left. There ‘s still a lot left. There’s a supermarket, so there’s a lot of it. I went around to buy it for ingredients. In Malaysia and Thailand, even if it’s the same thing in Tokyo, the stores that carry it are different. I’ve come to a place that’s quite different and feels like food. Let’s eat as much as I can . There’s something like this here too. It’s delicious here too. It’s 1920, so it’s delicious. I’m sure I’ll take it as a souvenir or eat it for myself later. I think I’ll buy something like this, something that’s a bit of a snack, and this one too.It ‘s 100% vegan.Unfortunately, it’s out of stock for today.It looks delicious.There’s also a set menu.I’m sure.It’s not bad even if you eat it separately. It’s not cheap, so the set might be a better deal.It ‘s like a set now, so I chose this one.This is still nice because I can pay with cash instead of having to buy it with a weird card like in Terminal 2. There’s still a lot of room , so maybe you can come and have some food tomorrow too. After I said something , I ordered something that looked delicious, too. I’d like to eat it again next time. I’d like to have this one too. Now, I’d like to have dinner. I think it’s delicious because it feels like it’s been slowly simmered.The soup is a bit unusual.It has a spicy taste.This soup has a quite unusual taste.Maybe it’s a bit of pepper, but it’s spicy.Just a little bit is fine. That’s 3,320x, so it’s about 1,300 yen. It’s quite expensive. I don’t think it’s that great of a deal, though. This is White Bee Sesame that I bought as a snack. It’s 25 pieces. It’s sweet . It’s like this . It’s kind of sweet and tastes like white wine, and it also has sesame seeds in it. Well, I was just dying at 10 o’clock. Well, I ate a lot and I’m full. I also ate snacks , so I’m glad. I want to come see you again here, Yuri. I’m glad that there aren’t those weird cards here, so it’s okay. I read earlier that it’s like a Japanese anime. It’s pretty good here. There are a lot of people wearing masks in Bangkok. I guess it’s the strongest after all.I’ve just arrived at the 7th station.It’s amazing.It’s at the entrance.It’s amazing.It’s a small convenience store.It’s better than a convenience store.It’s like a supermarket.It’s quite convenient.It sells all sorts of everyday items.It’s really nice. This is inside that station . I checked it out. I’m going to see it all today. It’s nice. It’s strange to see something like this. Bangkok is full of people wearing masks. It’s a lot, I think it’s the Great War after all.It’s getting late after all.It ‘s already 11 o’clock and it’s almost 12 o’clock, so after we do some sightseeing, I ‘d like to go to the next hotel. Well, I’m always asking a lot of questions on the Facebook group, and I get a lot of great advice from people who have immigrated to Japan.Thanks to that, I’ve been able to travel to quite a few different areas, but here’s one thing. There was a bit of a scam , so I posted it and it said that Japanese people often scam Japanese people in Thailand.It turns out that the base of my scam was not Thailand. Well, I guess it’s easy for criminal groups like that to live in Thailand, but apparently there are a lot of them in the Philippines as well.What about Malaysia?There are quite a few Japanese people who have been deceived by Malaysians. Is there one? Is it me or someone other than me? There were quite a few other business people like Roland and others like that. Anyway, it seems like there are quite a few Japanese targets, and Dubai as well. After all, it’s quite dangerous. I’ve heard some scary stories about Dubai, but it wasn’t like I was actually imprisoned, beaten up, or robbed of something. Also, during my trip, the maids and stuff got caught on fire and everything. Someone posted something like, “ I don’t know what the discussion is about, but it seems like there are quite a lot of things.It ‘s easy for anyone to live in a country like that,” and so on. The laws are different from those in Japan, so it’s easier to do things, so I learned something different in Thailand.In fact, I’ve been in Thailand for about two months now, so let’s take a moment. It’s been a month or so, but I can’t do it anymore, so I have time.There’s a lot of things that are impossible in general.The fact that I can’t communicate in English is such a pain, and there are so many different systems.Everywhere I go, like that convenience store, I get that credit card. There’s a minimum amount of money for cards, so I have to carry a little bit of change every time, which is really hard to use.Also, there are many other things, but the same goes for the strongest battle, so it’s still quite a bit in many ways. There are a lot of things I think about.I feel like I’m just not suited for it.It’s similar to Malaysia. I think Malaysia is a little closer to Singapore.The atmosphere is fine.I’ve been to Singapore twice, and my cousin lives there, but I don’t really like Singapore. In the future , I’m thinking of releasing a video about Thailand and Malaysia, so I ‘m going to move there for two months at a time, so I’m going around a lot, so I’m going around a lot in each country. So , I’d like to report on that area as well. Anyway, today I’d like to go to that power spot in Thailand, so I’m looking forward to it. Let ‘s go. It’s really crowded today as well. I’m an expert. Well, it’s Saturday, so it looks like there’s going to be a lot of flying around . Tourists are probably at the 7th station right now. I’m going to buy that hand stop here a little bit ahead. It’s in a very convenient station, and you can buy a lot of small things. If I run out of hand soap, I’ll be in trouble when I go to the bathroom, so I don’t know if it’s empty or not, and I don’t think it’s very effective at killing germs, so I checked it yesterday.I thought this would be ok, but when it comes to sea bream, it comes out clean and clean. I’m glad they sell recipes.For some reason, they don’t sell clean-cut recipes, right?Cabrize has all kinds of things like this one.If you forget something, this is a good place.They have teeth and other things.Okay, let’s go . I’ve ridden it once, so I’m getting used to it. It’s amazing . There are so many Lotte commercials . It’s Citrom. When you get off at Chitrom station, head towards number 6, and Erawan Shrine is apparently very close by. I wrote this in 23 minutes. This is the hotel. It’s so luxurious . I guess this area is also part of Tokyu Gai. It’s amazing. This is Intercontinental. I think it was inside Grand Hire or something. This method is written in an easy-to-understand manner as Erawan Sly.The station next to this one is the one I went to the other day.There ‘s Sian Paragon, so this is probably the center of the city. I think it was Grant Haiyan , but there were a lot of people there.When I got off the sidewalk at the station, it was already straight.I passed in front of that Erawan Banco.It’s probably this. It’s a really big city, and there’s a lot of new buildings around here. After all , it ‘s Erawan Bankoku. There’s a train running there, so it feels like a big city. There’s a grand building next to here. There’s a Hyatt.Pama , I think this is a good place.Since everyone is there, let’s go in.First of all, I heard that they buy Neoi’s products here.It seems like there are many different kinds.Some people come back here a lot. I guess they’ve put something like Zo-san on top of it. I don’t really understand it. It’s amazing that I don’t really understand it. It’s my first time and I don’t really understand it, so I’d like to buy this 200 baht one. Maybe you can scan it here to find out how to do it. But it’s only available in English and Chinese, so if you look it up on the internet, you’ll probably find it in Japanese.So I was a little bored, so I thought I’d give it a try.It ‘s raining, though. Ria ‘s got something like an umbrella , no, there’s a huge number of Zo-san. I wonder if they’ll write down how many people have come in total. The price of dances like those in the Far East seems to change depending on how many times you dance here. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. There are people lined up, and apparently there is a Far East Neori festival going on here.This is getting harder and harder every time.One by one, each person has to dance for you.It’s extremely difficult and takes a lot of time. It’s going to take a long time. There’s so many lines. Everyone’s so hard. How many times did each of us go back? It’s so hard for this person . How many times do we have to dance? But it only takes 23 minutes. It’s raining so much right now. It’s raining, and there’s lightning, so I’m holding this while waiting. I’m looking up how to visit the shrine once again on the internet. It ‘s been raining a lot, but I think it’ll probably stop soon. It’s raining here , so it’s pretty empty.On the other hand, it’s a little rainy, but there’s an umbrella and a parasol, so it’s nice.I’m not taking it off anymore, so I’m really bored.It ‘s amazing.Actually, I’m wearing shoes. They stand on their knees , but no one takes off their shoes.Sometimes there are people who kneel, but everyone is standing.They’re not following the directions at all.It was karma earlier, but now they ‘re not lining up at all. On the other hand, it was a chance, and it was at least 300 bars in the middle of the day.Maybe this person has a way of doing it, so I didn’t take off my shoes, but there’s a platform here.There’s a platform here, so I probably kneel here. I think I actually drink it, but it’s raining so I’m giving it up.Everyone’s doing it.I haven’t done it since a while ago.I haven’t done it since it wasn’t raining.I think I’ll probably just kneel here. Trains and shrines are interesting, aren’t they? I’m glad the rain stopped a little. I waited quite a while. It’s already been a day and a half , but on the other hand, there weren’t many people so I was able to explore slowly. Well, let’s go there . Maybe that’s where Toral is located. It’s a shopping district. Actually, I managed to make a visit . From now on, I want to go to Jim Top’s house . It’s amazing. It’s nice. I’m over there. I really like the store too.They have a lot of wonderful and fashionable miscellaneous goods.I want to stay at a hotel like that of Jim Thompson’s house.It seems nice, but I guess I can’t carry a suitcase. I’m thinking of asking what kind of elevator it is. I’d like to ask around and see if I can get there. I’d like to stop, but since it’s 40km away, I don’t think I’ll be able to use it normally. I think I’ll take a look around here before I go. I don’t know. I’m sure there are a lot of delicious restaurants around here, but I heard that Jib Tops’ house has some delicious food. I ‘m going to go here. I feel like it’s President Tower. It’s also a stylish cafe. It’s a stylish place around here. It’s true. This is definitely true. For some reason, the stairs are always here. Are you talking about carrying suitcases? I’d like to say that it’s definitely there.Incidentally, I’m currently in Cintrom, but from here I go to the station, and then I change to the Blue Line and go to Sonal Stadium. It looks like there’s a house in Jimtop. If you look at it, I’m here now, I went to Siam once, I transferred to Blue, and it’s here. It’s really close. It’s really easy to access around here. It ‘s No. 4. I’m writing this at the National Stadium, so it’s only one station away, so it’s very close.It’s hot, so I want to take off my mask, but when I take it for a moment, the air is so deep and dirty.It’s hot, but even today, it’s raining, so it’s still cool, so I’m glad. But it’s too tough. It’s too late. It’s the National Stadium, so there’s a court all of a sudden. It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. There’s something better than a convenient convenience store called Tersol at this station. It’s really convenient because it’s available everywhere. There’s bread, and there’s a cafe in the back where you can change things. There’s water, too, so it’s really convenient when you forget something. It’s really convenient. There were also some household items like rice balls.I’m a little hungry right now.It’s 2pm, so apparently there’s some delicious food at Hampton’s house, but I’m already at the station to see if I can get it. There’s even a handheld fan like this.It’s very convenient.It ‘s also great for tourists.There are quite a lot of things.There are shampoos and things like that, so if you forget something, you’ll definitely be fine.A Raycoat or something like this? Well, B. They also sell umbrellas, but they’re not cute, but they cost 179 baht. Well, it’s about 700 yen or 800 yen, so I’ll buy the usual one.There ‘s no dark, but if you come, there’s more and more Donki near Exit 4.Also, there’s karaoke, the beckoning cat, and the beckoning cat , which I saw in Japan. There aren’t many of them, but they’re generally different places. When you arrive at this station, just take exit 1 and it’s right there. It says Jim Tampsun Foundation. It’s over here. It’s called Jim Thompson Art Center. I’m writing this. I don’t really understand this. This is the Jim Thompson House Museum. Yeah, it looks nice. Yeah, I’m here too. It just so happens that I wonder where that shop was opened. Is it cold? I saw it on a cold island or something. It was really nice.The miscellaneous goods were expensive, but it was pretty cool.Let’s go in.Ah, the atmosphere was really nice.My mask was already tight, but I was thinking of eating chocolate earlier, so I took off my mask. It ‘s already been tough Let’s buy it here The rain has stopped and it’s getting a little sunny Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoh Well, I was thinking of participating in English at worst, but I’m going to join in. No, it’s really nice, your voice is swimming. It looks like it’s also a wedding venue. It’s cute, it’s quite big. We’ll have some food later. I want to eat dinner first, but it’s a bit late and I don’t have time so it’s going to be quite late.If I get an explanation after that, it’ll be around 34 o’clock, so it’s a problem.I’m hungry and I’m eating chocolate , but I’m only at home so there’s not much to see. I’m sure there won’t be any, I don’t know if there will be any filming , but it’s a nice atmosphere.It’s amazing.I’m going to take the trouble to eat here, so I’d like to eat it.Personally, it ‘s really big and nice.Ah, there’s a lot of greenery. Yes, it’s rich in nature, but there’s a bit of a Japanese feel to it.The thing I saw earlier was red, like a parasol, but I wonder if it’s Chinese or something.Maybe it has a Peranakan-like brain mixed in.From here, the tour will be in Japanese. However, the tourists who guided us in Japanese were me and another Japanese man.Unfortunately, videos are not allowed here, so we can only take pictures.Enjoy the music with Jim Thompson. It was a really nice house.It was a very comfortable house.Gado also answered a lot of questions in Japanese.This is it.There was also a guest room and even an old-fashioned toilet . It was a comfortable and soothing space.This was designed by Jib Thompson.I went there.It’s really nice.I like this shop too.It’s amazing.I don’t understand it very well as I’m a person who speaks Japanese very well. It’s a nice terrace. It’s a very nice cafe. It’s coffee time at Jim’s Terrace. I haven’t eaten anything since morning. It ‘s 4 o’clock. But I’m going to have a little bit.The view is nice.It’s a cafe next to Jim Thompson’s house.It’s really nice.Yeah, it’s interesting.The coffee has coconut in it.It’s interesting.It ‘s delicious.Jim’s Creamy Cricket is here.It’s really good. It’s not much. This will cost about 1,000 yen. Take it. Take it. See you later. Let’s have dinner somewhere a little different. This is very polite and natural. It came out very quickly. It’s amazing. It’s filled with something . The inside of this reminds me of Thai red curry.It ‘s a bit spicy.No, but it has a nice atmosphere.It ‘s very nice.Yes, it’s delicious.It’s a bit similar. There’s a squirrel, it’s amazing, it’s a squirrel, okay, I just jumped, jumped, jumped, oh, where have I gone yet, but that’s it, it’s a kettle, it’s 470 bar including the service charge and all that. It’s amazing for such a little thing. After this. I looked at Jim Thompson’s house a little more and went to Jim Thompson’s art center. I finished seeing the art center in no time . Now, I want to go to Siam Paragon again and have dinner . Shall I go there again ? Let’s go to Sian Paragon by Sian . I came out of the station. It’s Saturday. It looks like it’s going to be pretty crowded. Wow! Wow ! I just want to eat dinner. It ‘s gourmet eats. I’m staying in Bangkok for 15 days. It was delicious here yesterday. That’s what I thought, so I’ll stop here for a moment. How was the first three days? There’s more to come, so please look forward to it and subscribe to the channel.

タイの首都バンコク🇹🇭 最初の3日間はサイアム周辺♪ 盛り沢山❣️

🏨ジョノ バンコク アソーク ホテル (Jono Bangkok Asok Hotel)

🏨 ロハス レジデンス スクンビット(Lohas Residences Sukhumvit)

⛲️ ベンチャキティ森林公園 Benchakiti Forest Park


🛍️サイアム・パラゴン Siam Paragon


⛩️エラワン廟 Phra Phrom (Erawan Shrine)


🏠ジム・トンプソンの家 Jim Thompson’ s House

ジムトンプソンの家 (ジムトンプソン・ハウス)


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#女ひとり旅 #バンコク #タイ

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