🔴 LIVE: Yamakasa Festival 2024 – Day 1- The Decorative Floats Unveiled! /博多祇園山笠2024 飾り山笠

3 two 1 and we’re live we’re kushu live welcome to kushu welcome to fuka and welcome to the very first day of yamakasa boom let’s turn this camera and say hi to everybody hello hello hey everybody H happy yamakasa happy yamakasa that’s right today we are celebrating the very first day of the yasa Festival here in okay hey yeah we’re we’re on live we’re on live we’re on kushu live on YouTube that’s where you want to be um and I hope we are live are we live if you’re watching live anywhere in the world anywhere Inu please say hi to us look she she’s doing something else around so let me turn the around here and show you where we are um this is a very auspicious auspicious a very important part of yamakasa this is the Finishing Line This is where the on the uh July 15th on morning of July July 15th this is where the um o the I guess so-called race if you will this is the Finish Line where it ends and right next to it is the ishimaru mano a very famous Japanese sweet shopa based of course my say I hi my and what’s it the fler films is saying hi hello hello and am are we going to go in are you ready are you you’re with us now are we going to take a look inside the shop are you allowed to take a quick little look you want ju see sure well first of all let’s explain what this is I think you know what this is this is a special site right for yamakasa so inside is an an right so and this Suite is only sold during the yamakasa festival okay so em explain the design of the packaging is by a very wellknown Hakata doll maker here in fuka and this is just a gorgeous shop shop it’s like a a museum and uh you can see actually the molds that they use these are how they make the the wagashi the Japanese suits and the shapes the molds so this is just worth coming to see and of course because it’s located at the fishing Finishing Line as I said this is what it looks like on the 15th in this area very cool Julia is with us saying hello and then yeah they’ve got all I think we’ve introduced this before but they have sort of a takeout uh sweets corner here where they got some special drinks as well too anyways iGo what are we doing today live alive yeah but the theme of it is a kariyama kariyama means decorative floats oh okay let’s that’s so we’re going to go for about an hour long walk today we’re on Shori this is one of the main streets in fuka looking to the east that way to hak wasaki Shrine would be that way and looking that way would be tanging over there and U yeah so we’re walking away from the finishing line of Y all the there’s seven sort of teams or neighborhoods that participate in yamakasa you know total thousands of people um that guy just went through red light man yeah so this is where they end up here since good place to little bit Rusty so how is everybody we got about 22 people watching us live please say hello to us ince yourself Soo was saying we’re in obviously well obviously we’re in the Hakata side of fukoka but this is pretty much the border and I think she’s pointing I don’t know you can see now there’s a a rick building akarenga Straight Ahead kind of historic building inuk there oh okay mhm so she’s saying there’s a river on that side over there and that’s the border between Hakata and fukoka is that correct Peter is saying hello hello Peter so Peter Julia and uh yeah a couple other people are joined us in live chat welcome as I said today is the first day of the yamakasa festival runs for 2 weeks um specifically it on the climax is the early morning about 5:00 a.m. on the 15th we’re going to be doing at least four different live streams throughout the uh festival and of course we’ll cover the final the finale and we’ll have some was asking the question is how many years ago did yamakasa Festival start I know the answer I do I know the answer look at that little Shrine is that cool um yeah oh oh oh oh so I will give you the answer 783 about approximately and so yeah it’s an extremely old festival and this is what we’re doing today guys Straight Ahead that’s is what’s called a kazadi Yama decorative float they’re what 13 M high or so and way way back this was the floats that this is the type of float that they carry through the streets but then they built street cars and power lines and that would be a problem so now the floats are not as tall but they’re actually heavy they’re all still one ton Jenny Jenny saying I hello Jenny wow so so these um decoratives are usually they’re like mythology their stories like sort of fables and stories that are depicted on these uh floats and emo is saying that they’re all handcrafted each year different by um hagata doll makers they Artisans who um create these historic stories and oh yeah so am goes there she’s found some information about it and if you can read Japanese it has an explanation of the of the story and all the different parts that are here like you can see uh the dragon down there and a princess maybe and people sit down here and uh look up and follow the story so this is just one side this is just one side and this is the first day so everyone’s coming to take photos now there’s well there’s four sides but there’s another decorative side on on the back and usually usually it’s a more modern oh this one’s probably another historic tail wow that goes way up there and that’s how this would be carried but as I said these are no longer carried to the streets yes hey okay there’s a a wooden box um at the very center of the bottom of the float okay okay so probably early this morning there was another part of the festival and uh where some of the team members would have gone down to the shore of Hakata Bay near hakak hakuak Shrine and they would have brought back some um very special sand it SS like a salt sand and that’s what’s um to purify this float go point that there another thing is those the names of those are sponsors right okay let me just finish I’m showing the sponsors now so these are names of people who hi let goes pointing another these floats are made without nails everything’s rope and uh wood very cool and like I said this is like 13 M high it’s huge huge got a little question how is lisis Matos doing he’s doing fine I think I think he has a new shop in Afric and when we live stream from the boat races that’s a good idea way so these are lit up at night right people come here at night it’s almost like a a Christmas tree display Christmas lights I think it’s sort of like that and people sit here and enjoy the The View cool okay let me go what next all right you lead on hi I did say that a little bit but emo is saying that um there’s a front and a back to uh each of the floats some of them have like a traditional story and some of them have sort of like something for the kids like um it’s on a manga or TV station show or something some right are we going to keep that a secret we’re going to keep that a secret okay for those who like anime or Manga I guess anime maybe it’s more correct something very special coming up today first time ever at yamakasa an anime collaboration very very famous so what we’re looking across the street is um we believe like the the the actual carry through the streets called kakama that’s where that’s going to be stored in there I don’t think it’s been it’s not here I think it’s a couple later in the week on the 10th like I say it’s a twoe festival every day there’s something going on on the 10th is the first day that the kakiyama that the uh floats that are actually carried the one ton floats that are carried through the streets is they make their debut they have the first sort of plastic run y and’s friend oh so a Buddhist alar shop now across the road those flags there that that’s for uh I know Haka Haka is the Kabuki theater live Kabuki theater here in fukoka and Kabuki is on now in in uh fukoka you can see live Kabuki now and that’s where you do it let me just get the L there what El right usually in December in June or something is that right February sorry okay so just now we’re on and uh yeah so that’s Kabuki here and this on the back side here I might as well show you at the uh fuka Asian art museum is on this side of the road here and go have a comment about the lovely flower pots when we we already went by it yeah okay so there are some paper lanterns on top of lining the streets in this area that’s also for yamak and of course the evening they’d be lit up nice sort of yellow hey we got David’s checking in from California welcome to fuk and maybe maybe people are yamakasa fans maybe they’ve seen yamakasa before so there are um we’ll keep moving hopefully the signal will get better oh that’s a shame let’s go in the oh it’s better now it’s better so we’re going to go in here one of the [Music] uh yeah some strange noise worse than that am go we have a bad signal I yeah not much we can do about they’re just but you have some very noisy music as well [Music] too and you can see straight ahead is one of the decorative floats so so so so this is a paper lantern shop not just selling but they actually make paper lanterns here and we just ordered one for people Canal we’ll talk about that later hey Benjamin Benjamin is saying that kich kich we’re looking young Amo we look young apparently today who is she who is [Laughter] she we’re doing our best we’re doing our best to show you guys yamakasa on day one looks like they’re still hi hi oh yeah souvenir [Laughter] souven F Just A Thousand Years so yeah this is some yamakasa themed souvenirs this is a Buddhist altar shop or access Soo this side apparently looks like it’s from a TV station sponsored it’s it’s got some characters from uh TV shows and announcers [Music] M lucky is saying hello to you emo oh s once again we already explained but these floats are made entirely out of wood no Nails um no metal no plastic and uh yeah 13 M High okay very humid here in it’s the rainy season we’re still in the middle of it’s been raining every day for about two weeks and a lot of rain what what ah okay all right all right especially overseas if you’re into anime as I said something very special this year very first time ever gandam gandam comes to masasa 783 year old uh traditional Festival here in fuka welcomes gandam there’s a collaborative float coming this is official all right and is that is that what it is it’s a zenai bean soup a bean soup with with a a grilled piece of Mii rice cake and it’s a sweet Bean sort of soup almost and they also serve it with a with a cup of green tea and this is open all year round in this uh how about the Shen guy in this little spot called zenai hoba let’s take a quick look and side that’s what’s really special is you can see one of these decorative floats on display here all year round it’s one of the few places where you can do that as you can see people are sitting down here this guy’s got a shaved ice shaved ice going on here and uh yeah I I will I will just a second slow through here yeah this is a cool place if you’re visiting Fukuoka any time of the year you can come here and it’s right on the river too let’s show that back on the Naka River here and this is the Shen guy the arcade is right behind us we got to usually the signal is horrible here usually this is open and you can see the float from down here you can in good weather you can sit out here along the river and uh enjoy your tea or your sweets they have a special Zen ey um with the red beans no doubt but it’s a a colder version with shaved ice I wish I could show to you but wait till somebody orders too bad nobody’s ordering okay all right here we go so it’s a shaved ice red bean how sweet look how fluffy that shaved ice is shav ice it’s nothing like this in Canada can just like a be a piece of rock ice with syrup on top look how look at that yeah she’s still making [Laughter] it G and green tea on top look at that wow wow okay score he’s got it yep coming okay we had a question what happens to the floats they’re they’re remade every year what happens to the old uh decorations so this is the highly anticipated gandam theme the one and only in the [Music] world they have our map here that’s great we make this map if you come to fuka get a copy of this uh very detailed map of fuka because we make that Mobile Suit gandam 45th and here in Koka they have a gandam like huge one at the laala Port shopping center and uh this is a collaboration event with gandam for yamaka I’m sure people later are going to want to see this um actually on the fu live Channel we have a short when the Gundam um Mobile Suit was was constructed in fuka and we have a little short video of the head going up being installed I don’t know it’s our most popular video so this is sure to get a bunch of how about this side this is a traditional design on this side that’s interesting okay I have to talk about that so we said that these decorative floats are static they don’t move they’re they’re here on display all the time this one actually is carried through the streets and particip Ates in oama a little bit it goes for just a while happy my friend yeah participates in yamakasa every year in fact he’s they have so many different leaders but you know you this is your your [Laughter] [Music] your on the 60th anniversary of this float here okay I just explain that this is the only of the decorative floats the only one that actually is moved and well something special happens at the very top of this decorative Flo [Laughter] you see Hands your father must be very handsome yeah yeah hopefully give us a tour of some other parts of yamakasa later all right take care byebye bye Yu cool wow hey emo you needed a hat you said you wanted a hat no wow piig have lots of our if you again that’s our map we make this map so you want to get it when you come to fora wow so J change the float design appearance every year yeah okay let me get back to that so yes they do change the the design every year and I saying that usually one side this is a good example one side’s a historic mythology theme the other side’s usually something kind of pop this year this gunum on the other side and then another but there what happens to them after am so some of the parts are donated or used elsewhere and actually some of the parts are just like the legs and the arms are used are recycled for next year I talked to one of the doll makers and he might keep an arm or a leg and then uh use that arm or leg in the design the next year so they are kind of recycled but the designs change all the time [Music] okay as we said this one actually is carried uh on one or two of the days um during the festival so Emo’s poting out it’s not on wheels at all this is actually [Music] carried yeah we love yamakasa and uh I’m just waking up just getting excited about it yeah some of the other uh festivals in other cities do completely reuse they have the same floats but know they rebuild them every time we got um we got Peter saying hello uh yes from NHK yes I’ve been on NHK on NHK world not the journey show but Train Cruise NHK train cruise and uh yeah mostly train cruises so all right I will correct that um Yas officially starts today 15 days but um it’s underwear I think uh the preparations start months in advance so ah okay sort of like a formal [Laughter] formal Ando explained that they have different uh levels of the wear and they have a sort of a formal jacket and sort of longer length outfit and then of course on the day that they’re carrying the floats shorter more [Music] casual for for you and me maybe we haven’t been in this arcade in a while you you have okay for me it’s kind of it’s more something new always something new and lots of o and I love this the fruit store here in Market here Japanese fruit is so good and look at the prices right now peaches are just coming into uh season now peaches 680 Yen for a pocket two it’s not bad Japanese grape they’re a little bit early for the grape season a corn do they have corn corn is so good that’s a white corn yeah it’s a white corn 300 what’s that 400 Yen for three that’s not bad onion scallion okay let’s talk about that andato oh this is a local a local eggplant huge that’s 198 Yen for one of those huge eggplants like people overseas this just a frozen thing this is what edamame looks like on the stock on the stock so there and then this is is um at the night anyways this is used to make a drink [Laughter] okay uh anyways another reason to come to this shopping arcade no we introduced a new fruit Cafe fruit especially Cafe in Kel Shrine you have to go on cushi live and look for that we have a very short video took welcome to Hakata that would be uh M the chicken pot there especially inside joke joke joke Canadian joke canadi happy day today hi hi it’s not only is it the first day of yamakasa today July 1st is Canada Day that’s right the day that Canada CES being a nation in a day this is cool though I know that’s go through here okay we’re entering Shrine definitely one of the most important shrines I’ve the area fora this is one of this is the back gate here so we’ll do a little bow here everybody bow we enter one side and boom Straight Ahead that is another Kazar Yama decorative float that is on dis all year this is one of the few places you can see one of these floats all year round of tourists that found it already White live stream so again this is another one of these 13 M high that looks like a it’s a mud skipper it’s no it’s not a whale it’s a catfish it’s a catfish okay all right there must be some oh it’s Jack saying hi hey Jack yes happy Canada Day yeah oh so yeah that’s a cat look at that catfish in the middle huge very impressive there must be a story in fact let’s see if it explained here this is just explanation of the general Festival but wow very impressive okay so kushida Shrine is we we started the live stream at the finish line so to speak the Finish Line near ishimaru Mano and this Shrine here is the start of oama the finale the big sort of race if you will again we we start the live stream at a Japanese sweet and here’s the other side squishy souven yes like I say it it reminds me of something like a Christmas tree a huge Christmas tree I say that every year okay they’re entering sort of the main area of kid Shrine here some special ceremonies were held here earlier this morning same and uh I’ll spin around and show you but they have some stand set up you can see just the back here and I forget which day it is it’s about 3 days before the finale that they have a um look at that yeah they’re taking sand back they’re sort of sort of sacred or very special sand oh wow wow they’re grabbing a whole bunch [Music] yeah so this is the main building inside kushida Shrine that we’re looking at people come to pray and yeah we’ve been here several times on live streams so oops we’re lucky it’s not raining so so this little basket here are what participants of the festival they take to that um it’s like a Beach area in front of hak shrine on on Bay and that’s on we went to it last year put two times this early this morning they had it but once last year we did a live stream anyway anyway it’s very interesting I actually recommend looking at that live stream here they have all the amulets and uh good luck charms available here as well too okay well let’s um let’s continue am we go this is great we’re lucky it’s not raining oh you can see the stands up there which people watch the start of yamakasa from yeah and it’s almost impossible to get a ticket and these are sponsors right these are like uh Billboards if you will and again sake also has a special Suite here wow it’s muggy mugy muggy muggy very hot here Ina go yeah let’s take a look in sure why not so the uh seven teams they parade in here they they line up on the on the streets there and then they come in here it’s like a horseshoe and of course all kinds of are sitting up there and I think the mayor is over there and they sort of elite sort of people and this pole they do a a run around this pole this is where the more exciting part so we’re lucky it’s a rainy day cuz it’s not so hot yet and that’s that very special this is a a historic auspicious tree that’s probably about 800 years old as well as old as this festival and you can’t see it now because it’s c up but that’s a very special treat Nick hi he up so hey welcome to cuu live welcome back to cuu live we haven’t been doing many live streams sorry about that um we are going to do a couple more for yamakasa and uh we’ll see we’ll see if we can do more live streams but hit that like button that shows us that you’re interested leave a comment you better tell your friends about it all that good stuff subscribe all all right is that new names on the big choing there you didn’t notice before yeah this is the main gate and it has like a zodiac uh on the top of the gate here which we need someone to explain but this is we’re going through the other way we’re leaving the shrine now this is usually crowded here with people taking photos it’s like the sakusa of oops here boom this is a Instagram spot if there was or a snapshot spot a lot of people take a photo here ah we got a question about Shogun you know Shogun as far as I know we can’t see it on Japanese T Main Street how are we doing time wise let’s let’s go to Canal we’re near close to Canal City and uh there’s a a float inside canal explain something here so anyway Shogun as far as I know I haven’t seen it yet I hear good things about it um but we don’t see it so your question what’s the feedback on it I don’t know yeah I heard that it was some of it was shot in Canada location love to see it haven’t seen it yet so now even like we have Netflix here right but it’s not the same it’s not the same selection of of uh stuff of uh titles how you doing Neo not too hot let’s uh let’s say hi again hi everyone kuras is Kur traditional textile and uh yeah so that’s what IG goes hasak hasak I AI textile I got some something exciting happening here a police car doing the U-turn so yeah there’s but this City Bakery design I follow you yeah please so this is C I’m going to sneeze hang on it excuse me live stream sneaks and we were at Canal City not too long ago there was ichan ichan Ramen one of the more famous ton kotu lamen shops chains from fuka they um released a brand new flavor of a brand new recipe of their Ramen we’re going to Let’s do let’s let’s go let’s go can can I can I come come back please come back had to do a U-turn there we’re going to go up let’s go up okay shut up jump the G one white bread just give me a bless you thank you okay this is an overpass Crossing one of the main Avenues in fukoka let’s take a look at that boom so we’re looking towards teni and I think I can show you MOSI department store hang on we get the zoom there you go straight ahead little bu on the right hand side is mitosi that’s the beginner section way down there and going to the other side would be h on a second just want to show people where we are that’s going towards guon and this road goes towards Hakata station basically and we’re entering Canal City we might even get some air conditioning uh thank you Canal City a favorite destination of tourists from overseas especially from nearby Asian countries we feel so jealous the exchange rate 37 38 year record low against American dollar anyways yeah let’s get ahead and goad pass suzushi wow suzushii so Canal City I will guess uh qju senon I think it opened 93 I think it’s 30 years Ino I think it’s 30 Years cuz I came in 1990 so it’s uh and it was built it wasn’t built it was built I think around 93 94 [Music] and huge Shopping Center designed by a famous American architect from California as you can tell maybe anyways we’re going to go to the center of the shopping center where there is one of the floats yeah so definitely there’s the low exchange rate is must be a huge attraction to visiting Japan and of course everything’s must be so cheap and then Japan of course there’s no tipping right you don’t have to tip okay yeah here we go boom wow what of you here we are so until now we’ve been looking upwards at these floats now we got a view from above massive I like it how has they have like an umbrella um that’s kind of cool so ni we’re looking at this is the Hyatt Grand Hyatt Hotel on one side and the shopping center area on the other side very cool movie theaters above blah blah blah okay let’s let’s go to the river let’s go to uh hey we got 44 people watching us live now I hope you’re enjoying this special First Day Live stream showing you a part of yamakasa we’re going to do a couple more live streams they’re already set up on YouTube hi hi hi hi I think it’s okay I’m going to guess I’m going to guess it would has to do some sort of reason with the festival the this the side facing Kush Shrine would be the front wow I’m hot today so let me explain in English let we go as we’ve said a couple times now there’s a front and a back uh the Design’s different on these floats and the uh which is the front which is the back it doesn’t say right so Amo is explaining the um the front side is the side that is facing towards Kush Shrine and we just were we just walked from that K Shrine right we came from that side so this must be the back side so this at night is beautiful stunning eh it’s all lit up here can you imagine and then they have the fountain show that’s all like super high power fountains they have a actually they have this whole back is um what’s that called not light up it’s called um yeah exactly 3D mapping white press and white Canal city was open in ’96 so yes almost 30 years 28 years close and it’s Canal City because you can see there’s water everywhere yeah water everywhere Wolf Gang steakouse hey I want to talk about took about that let’s let’s get let’s get a little further down dancing hi say we want to come down here also I wanted to show because can you see over there there the river is over there and City when it was being planned they were actually thinking of having boats like you could come from Hakata Bay down this River and check into the hotel via canal and that’s why it’s Canal City Sports there’s a huge Sports good shop which I would love to go into alen and ramen Stadium Ramen stadium is on the Upper Floor right above us means finish why don’t we ask everybody do you want us to continue who wants us to go okay we’re go to the tenin or we could go to Hakata tenin or Hakata oh we’re missing kind a classic sort of view of so close I can’t show so we’re going to we have a vote umu chuai what a name too high okay you can go Nick yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah but we always go to tenin because there are some floats it’s true that yamakasa is basically a Hakata area Festival that is true but foka side of foka also I know if it rains a lot in that’s okay really thanks you want me to it’s uh started to rain okay this is the grand hi Hotel I didn’t mention walking by that we’re going to try to make it to H station you said you wanted to go to hak fore my son okay we’re going to ask M who’s watching us live here oh wait a second we have Benjamin is saying Hakata so now we’re a tie name we got a tie here how about we go to nakasu ah nak there is okay I always like showing this cuz a lot of people I mean we have shown this before this is a parking lot for the Y yti can only set up from 6:00 p.m. uh and this is where a lot of them or some of them are parked Nas and it’s a good time to go to nasu because it’s daytime it’s the only time we can go to nasu with a camera we crossed on that overpass when we came here so we got a little bit of light rain here now was very very I didn’t show the camera there but some guy was looking up a manhole and looked like he was going to put some groceries in it I thought he’s going to maybe maybe so we’re back on National that’s right I just I said that I said that I said that we crossed there and we showed the streight from above and we’re going to walk through nakasu the NTI Zone and somewhere in there there is a kyama I believe or there’s kakiyama let me go see your research Jenny saying please do more walks around for CA okay well we’ll see we’ll see we’ve we’ve done 200 of them if you don’t mind old ones we’ve got two this is live stream hushu live walk number 214 so we’ve done a lot but if you want to watch live if you re enjoy watch and I understand that that’s why we do it live you never know what’s going to happen and that’s kind of exciting it’s real time kushu that’s what we do yeah we might start doing more we have actually hey while we got a little time to talk is we’re thinking of starting a weekly let me say that again we’re thinking of starting a weekly like a talk show where we’re sort of sitting down we’re have some guests come in and uh we sort of hinted at this before we haven’t done a formal introduction but we have a new little spot in oh coin that’s right ohori park nowu live we have a little studio in the process of being set up and we’re thinking about doing the live stream once a week we’re thinking about Wednesdays Wednesday noon hour and of course you’ll be able to watch it after but that’s something new and and I think that will start sometime in August what do you guys think about that I know walking around the streets is kind of exciting but we’re thinking about doing something sort of like news and events and introducing people who live in fuka we’ll probably do the The Walking live streams as well too but we’re going to start something new live from ohori Park every week can’t be yet so so so I’ve been talking about doing this for a while and I haven’t started so we’re going to start ando’s going to have her own little corner out so we’re now in the thick of we’re in the middle of nakasu and it doesn’t look very interesting because the bars and restaurants in this part of town are only open at night Benjamin says Hey Benjamin sounds says that’s a good idea yeah well we’re thinking I mean it’s difficult to do at a set time but I think we’re just going to pick dead center of the week Wednesday because we want to have guests we’re going to have people come visit us in the park we’re in ohoi park we’re gonna show this to you guys soon on kishu live we have a studio it’s like a little Hut it’s like a cabin very cool spot right on the pond and I think it’ be very unique to broadcast live so we have this n saw oh yeah Straight Ahead there it is Straight Ahead there’s the kazas Straight Ahead hang on this TR see way down there that’s one hi hi so yeah n this is the red light district lot of drinking free information must be some people watching this live stream going hey I remember walking down here late night sometime Ah that’s the kakiyama over there mil so this is actually one of the yamas that’s carry through the streets so this would be from the wow alive really looks alive fantastic know art artsmaper oh my gosh oh you can do it in English if or Japanese or English Okay English if you can do if you can speak English which one do you want English of course of course of course please okay um this Festival is called hak yamakasa okay and uh It is believed over like 770 years yes and it is uh um it is so un okay so it is yeah it’s been nominated or it’s been designated designated yes a UNESCO Heritage cultural asset or something like that something like that wow that’s right that’s right 700 years and do you participate every year uh almost every year almost every year yeah okay so you born here yeah I born here and then my my father participated in uh yamakasa yamakasa and uh I I participate in this Festival when I was the maybe two years one one year old no zero zero Z zero your father carried you yes that’s correct okay right oh good and uh it’s so we carry this yamakasa mhm yes from the 10th to the 15th of juy mhm around the city right the city yes yeah yeah yeah yeah and are you are you carrying it are you no I’m carrying you are you are one of the carriers okay good good nice excellent yeah what’s your favorite part of yamakasa Festival what do you like the most um yeah you know yeah no guessing loyalty loyalty to yamakasa we have loyalty to yamakasa so we have the respect of each other and then um we have likeit displine mm so but we have fun and also fun yeah also fun and also you sweat it’s hard work right hard work so it’s very hard but very fun to carry carrying Thea so great great excellent well thank you very much for the explanation and uh yeah you can watch our live stream on kushu live okay yeah you can watch how many people are watching it here right now only 33 only but all over the world all over the world yeah where did you learn your English oh I’m I’m living in the San Diego oh you live in San Diego okay cool we had somebody from California was watching somebody from California I was a student of University of California San Diego okay oh right so you graduate oh nice nice oh good well thank you thanks a lot see you byebye bye byebye well on our next live stream I’m going to be walking with uh a someone who participated in the festival look at this one wow wow look at the horse you remember we are on the local newspapers just we started right if you’re luck Maybe cool yeah the design of their uniform is kind of cool back here today is the first day so a lot of people come out to get photos Aloha from Honolulu hello habak they have direct flights to honolu I believe now in let come back okay okay yeah let’s show the back side we’re going to check out the back side wow let me just do a straight up reveal tiny somebody said ah hey Sai Sky High Chief’s in the house too oh going eat you up Sky come here please yeah come join us yeah yeah it’s not raining it’s we got lucky so better be careful what I say massive ah eyeball this has been here for a long time I’ve been in that par well that was great that was great well look I think we’ve covered enough here that’s a good ide exactly what I was going to say let’s do that so there I think there are 17 Kazama 17 I believe something like that this year is that right am call 17 anyways we went around to Juan we probably went around half of them so in the tenin area inside Solaria Plaza also in daaru there’s Kazama and then in shinten shopping center as well too so in the tenin area there are also some K and of course in Fr we didn’t station um but there is a huge one there huge and we’re doing a live stream on the 10th once they start running through the streets we will be showing that um so emo is saying until then you can enjoy checking out these decorative floats do you know that I do I do know um but your favorite it’s one of my favorite vegetables that’s right cucumber it’s um sort bit of folklore you’re not supposed to eat or the people who participate in Kush in uh in yamakasa are uh refrain refrained from eating cucumber and there’s a good reason why yeah and the reason is is when you slice here let’s let’s say hello we’re going to sign up we’re going to wrap up real soon couple more stories and when you slice cucumber you slice it Broadway and you look at it it’s got like the seeds and all that it kind of looks like the emblem of kushida shrine oh she’s got so just hold still there see that sort of looks like cucumber it does it looks like cucumber that’s why that’s why so there’s all kinds of really interesting trivia about uh yamakasa and and you know we have a whole section of that on the fuken now.com website where we give a lot of detail about the history of yamaka so check that out so so so so so they have um we’ve been saying the grand finale is called oama and it takes place on the morning of the 15th I’m morning I mean like five minutes to 5 a like very right there are special Subways that run but what Amo was saying which is the tip is that I believe on uh one even one or two days before I I don’t have the schedule in my in my brain right now but there are some evening practice runs which are very similar to the actual run and uh in a way that would be the call because far less people still lots of people come out and watch but far less of course it’s just it’s brighter it’s easier it’s easier to get to I highly recommend going to the practice R Saturday Sunday holid wow yeah yeah it’s just gonna be it’s going to be great as iGo says it’s yamakas is taking place on on the weekend over the weekend or the final day so it’s just going to be a zoo in a good way a good way a good zoo we like a good zoo I like a zoo anyways so um check uh YouTube uh Kishi live Channel subscribe to that if you don’t already you want to subscribe we’re we’re going to cut off now and we’re going to go buy some of those we’re gonna get some sweets as what we’re going to get and we’ll talk about our next one anyways that’s it for us see you next time byee [Music] yeah yeah e for

In the first of our series of live streams for this year’s Yamakasa festival, we will take a closer look at some of the kazariyama – the decorative floats that play a central role in the event. Historically, these floats were paraded around the city, each vying to be the most stunning. They are crafted every year by skilled artisans who choose a specific theme for both the front and the back of the float, often centered around historical figures or themes considered to bring good luck. This year, 13 stunning Yamakasa floats will be displayed around the city. You can find a comprehensive guide to all the kazariyama floats on the Fukuoka Now website as well. https://www.fukuoka-now.com/en/yamakasa-kazariyama-guide/

More Yamakasa Livestreams!
7/11(木)朝山笠 5:00〜


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Welcome to Kyushu Live, brought to you by the team behind “Fukuoka Now.” Led by Canadian publisher Nick Szasz and Emiko Szasz, we’re passionate about showcasing the beauty, culture, and history of Kyushu. Join us as we explore hidden gems and share the unique stories of this vibrant region. Your likes, comments, and subscriptions fuel our adventures and help us connect with Kyushu enthusiasts around the world.

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  1. Thanks Nick-san and Emiko-san, so pleased I happened to be looking up Yamakasa info on your site just before the live started! Great stream, looking forward to going along to the trial runs and the main event too.
    Nick: recognised your voice from Train Cruise, also I actually saw you over near Ohorikoen back in April but wasn't sure it was you 😁 Next time I'll say hi 👋

  2. Yamakasa. Very interesting. Would be nice to plan video of making a yamakasa since your friend is a famous Yamakasa designer. 3 – 4 videos exploring the design/implementation then installation at his customer.

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