
Hello, I’m Chika. I’ve been away for a while, but this time it’s a housewarming party, so I’m heading to my new base from Vietnam Dana Airport. The airport wasn’t crowded at all, so I was able to check in smoothly, so I went to Burger King. Please note that everything at Vietnam’s airports is much more expensive than in the city.This set cost just under 3,000 yen.I was confused by the dollar expression, but I calmly calculated it later and published it.Recently, I have only been flying AirAsia. However, it was an unusual pattern for me to take the bus, and it was very sparse.It seems like there are a lot of Westerners, but it may not be a very popular route.I’ll go then.Bye-bye.So , where is our base this time ?It’s quite a rural area. Atmosphere [Music] We arrived safely. I think you’ve already figured it out. The airport and the city center are very close, so we’ll take a taxi to our new home. The taxi had tour information, so our base this time is Chiang Mai is the largest city in the north and is said to be the second largest city. [Music] So I arrived home. I would like to start signing a contract for the house and other procedures. There is a Seven-Eleven right next door. It seems older than I expected, but I wonder if it’s okay. Yes, I’ve moved in safely. Now, I’d like to go out today. While I’m eating, I’m going to take a quick look at the surrounding environment. I’ll do a room tour after that. Let’s go, hey, hey, this time’s house is on a street called 20,000 Hemi Street, which is a fashionable street that is often referred to as Chiang Mai’s Odateyama. If you go a little further to the back, you’ll find an authentic fashionable spot. I was looking for a house while looking at Google Maps, and I chose it because I thought it would be convenient because there are many shops around here.However, it is a fashionable tourist street, so it is expensive. Maybe I made a mistake. 20,000-men Street looks like this. If you go into the alleys , there are a lot of cute things like stylish cafes, restaurants, and general stores, but for now, I’ll just take a quick look at the main street. I’d like to go there right away.There is a restaurant that sells famous facial costumes.I kept hearing from many people that fashionable chees is good, but maybe because of the location, if you look around here, it ‘s not much different from Bangkok.I would say it’s local cuisine. If that’s the case , I’m thinking that Bangkok would be a better deal.I’d like to take advantage of the lower prices since it’s a middle-class city, but since I don’t know the area, it would be safer and more secure to stay in an area like this. Even if you go here, you’ll have to spend a lot of money at first, so it can’t be helped.It seems like I ended up renting a house on the tourist street without realizing it, but today I’m having fun exploring like a tourist. It’s a small place, but there’s a 24-hour Lotus nearby, and there’s also McDonald’s, KFC, Subway, and other fast food restaurants, so it’s definitely convenient.This place also seems to be a famous restaurant. But it’s still closed. There are many shops on this street that are open 24 hours a day, and there are also many shops that are only open from the evening, so I guess it’s really at night. The further you go down the alley, the more cute the shops are. I’d like to go see it again. It’s midday now, so there aren’t many people walking. There are quite a few cars, but I don’t see many people around here. I guess there aren’t that many Chima people. Chinese and Korean people are amazing. I feel like there are a lot of people, including people who look like tourists. Oh, I’m so hungry. I don’t know what to eat. I’d like to try something special since I’m here, but I don’t know much about what the local specialties are. However, like Paya, there seem to be a lot of people who eat Feji, but they don’t seem to be as old as Pattaya.I looked it up on Google Maps and found that there is a famous spot for heritage cuisine nearby that has over 2000 reviews, so I decided to go there. I ‘d like to go there. It’s on this street. I’m going into it for a bit. It’s in the shade and it feels nice. The reviews say there are quite a lot of Japanese customers. Is it a very famous store? This street also has cute cafes and hotels. There are a lot of them.This place looks like a toast Japanese izakaya.Che also seems to have a lot of Japanese restaurants.Hey, let’s go here. [Music] Let’s go there.The menu has all photos, so I don’t know the dishes, but it’s easy to get into. [Music] Hey, I’m here. Roasted chicken costs 95 baht and rice costs 15 baht . It looks delicious. The skin is crispy. I’ll just eat it as is. It ‘s delicious. Even if you don’t add anything, the charcoal aroma is great. What’s the soft sauce? I guess it tastes like Perika Yakiniku’s sauce, ethnic style , so I don’t know how to eat it. It seems like they eat it a lot.Is this a staple food? Is it the right thing to eat it with?I don’t have the insides, but it’s so soft that you can cut it with a spoon and fork.I don’t know if it’s meant to be eaten with chicken, but I put it on rice and it looks like this Yeah, it’s delicious and it’s amazing.Yeah, it definitely goes well with beer.However, beer costs about the same price as this chicken, so it costs about 100 ba, so I gave up.Beer is usually quite expensive , and it feels like it’s the same as in Bangkok. I think the prices for the food are a bit off.It ‘s a cute restaurant that attracts a lot of tourists, but the prices are probably on the cheap side.Of course, it’s expensive considering it’s local cuisine, but I think it’s cheap considering it’s a tourist restaurant. I think the atmosphere of this shop is like a imaginary chenma.It has a natural feel.The professor in my seminar at university said he liked chenma.He is an insect expert, so there are lots of insects . It seems like there are a lot of pigeons in Chiang Mai, so I thought it was so attractive that it would get bitten by a lot of insects, but I guess that’s not the case. It’s not a particularly cold place. Of course, the morning bath is cool, but in the afternoon, even at its coolest time, it’s almost 30 degrees Celsius. It’s 310 meters high, which is the highest mountain in the world. If you go up to the highest mountain, it’s 2,600 meters . I think it’s cool all year round when you go up there.In Vietnam, there is a famous place called Da Lat, which I’ve lived in before, but I think it’s cooler than here.It’s 1500 meters above sea level. [Music] However , it’s not the hottest time of year, so it’s really cool to go anywhere else.It’s cool even without an air conditioner.Yeah, I looked it up on the internet and found some information that it’s cold in Chiangma . I brought winter clothes and thicker jackets, but it’s not that bad.If it’s sunny, the temperature will probably be higher, so even in the morning, it won’t be cool enough to wear thick clothes. If I wasn’t there, I would think that the ventilation in Chiang Mai would be a really comfortable climate, neither too cold nor too hot . It was a pain to have to wait 340 minutes for the food to arrive, probably because it was a popular restaurant and there were a lot of customers.However, I think this is a place where you can relax, so I’ll be careful not to get irritated at such a place. So, this 20,000-day street is about 1.6km long and there are 17 paths along it, but the one in front of me seems to be the main street, so I ‘d like to take a look. I think it looks like there are a lot of shops like this.It ‘s a very stylish brick building, but I wonder what it’s like inside.It seems like there are a lot of young people there.There seem to be a lot of shops selling cute clothes and miscellaneous goods. This is a delicious-looking bakery with reasonable prices ranging from 25 baht to 35 baht.This place is said to be Chima’s Odateyama, but it’s not a particularly luxurious place.The average price is 200 baht to 500 baht. Most of the clothes I wear from BA have a Chema vibe , or rather, a lot of them are natural-looking clothes.I think these are a bit expensive. It’s 790 baht.It’s about 3,000 yen on the market.If anything, I think there are a lot of clothes that Japanese people seem to like.For the past few years, I’ve been wearing clothes that have a slightly baggy silhouette like those from Mori Girl. I guess it’s trending . It’s cute. Even in Japan, there are a lot of clothes that can be worn everyday . It’s not a high class place, but it ‘s fashionable and looks great in photos, so there are a lot of people having photo sessions there. There are a number of boutique-style items like this that seem a bit expensive. However, if you look at the prices at these stores, it’s around 1,000 yen per item, so I think that there are still many Japanese people who think it’s cheap. As expected, things are looking good.It’s definitely a spot for dates or for girls.It’s stylish.It’s picturesque.Thanks to the building, it feels like a Christmas market, but there are also many food stalls like this. Yes, it’s in a place like this, so it’s not cheap at all.There are a lot of stylish shops that match the building. [Music] I feel like there are a lot of Japanese people who like Chiang Mai. Are you looking for stylish spots like this, or are you looking for natural areas where there are more insects? European-style places like this tend to appear in tourist spots like Vietnam, but where can you get them? It’s hard to tell for a moment. There’s an area like a food court over here, but it’s really cute, so I guess it’s a bit pricey as well. The prices aren’t that high, and I think it’s reasonable considering the atmosphere, but I use it every day. It may not be suitable as a place for errands. You can eat like this for about 50 baht. I can’t drink beer right now, but you can drink it for 70 baht. Hey , there are a lot of restaurants like this. But the main thing is that it’s a place where you can enjoy shopping for clothes, bags, and other miscellaneous goods.Also, the things that are sold for photo shoots basically have a uniform feel and have this kind of taste. If you like this kind of atmosphere, this is a place you should bring.Really , everything is like this, simple materials are unified with a philosophy , and the price is about this, so it’s easy to find.Currency exchange place in Chiang Mai However, it is better to buy frozen food in Bangkok, so if you are coming from Bangkok, it might be better to exchange money at Bankoku. There are various shops on the 2nd and 3rd floors, so if you like shopping, it will be fun. I also want to wear natural, cute, fluffy clothes like the ones sold here, but my face looks tight and tight, so they really don’t suit me.I’ve tried buying them, but that’s why I have the same problems If you have one, you might end up not buying anything even if you come here, so please stop admiring it.It is a place that is too luxurious and fashionable for everyday use, but it is a very sophisticated place. Yes, and it’s diagonally in front. This is a place called Think Park, which was created with a Japanese motif, and it seems to have become a Japanese spot. It doesn’t really feel like Japan either, but it’s called Camellia Cafe. It looks like a restaurant written in katakana.This spot seems to be open after 6pm, and there seem to be a lot of stalls here.The food at the stalls doesn’t seem to be particularly Japanese, though. The design is really based on Japan, and you can see a lot of cute Japanese things. I wonder if this is Japan. I wonder what’s wrong with the line. Tomorrow’s Ji is here. This is also a stylish spot. Coming towards the back. It’s not that it’s particularly Japanese. It’s really cute , so if there was something like this in Japan, I think it would be popular. I think everyone would come to take pictures. It’s well made. Nemii and Chibi Maruko-chan. Beautiful older brother. Mr. Zo is in a pharmacy, and it’s a nostalgic scenery that would be normal if you were in Japan, but when it becomes something like this, or rather, it’s made up, the Japanese scenery suddenly feels cute.In Misae’s case, even South Korea has mysteriously been mixed in. There are also middle-ranking eight here.It’s cute.For some reason, this place has a modern pop feel.It also feels like a stylish spot.There’s a shop called Hovran.I like Mont Blanc, and I wonder if there’s a Mont Blanc specialty store for Mont Blanc cakes. I wonder if it’s delicious? I’ll check the reviews and if it looks good, I’ll buy it next time. Exchange money I thought it was a fake, but it turned out to be the real Ryosho. The rate is not good. Yes, this is right. The camera I’m shooting with right now is DJzoompoet3, which I have. I often get interested Westerners and approach me, but the current person is a Malaysian-American from New York who gave me a sticker.I think he runs a hat shop in New York.It’s a hat shop here. He’s the one in the picture . I can give him a thumbs up when he walks around like this, so it’s nice. Let’s make one. Well, this sink park is at the end of 20,000 Hemi Street, and there’s a big one called Meya in front of me. There’s also a shopping mall.It’s a really convenient place.It’s not a cheap place, but I don’t think there are any cheap places, so I ‘m going to take a quick walk in the opposite direction from where I came and go back home.I’ve just seen what I saw . I’d really like to find a local restaurant nearby that I can use on a daily basis.I’m sure there are some.This area is on a tourist street , so there are a lot of massage parlors. But it’s not particularly cheap. I guess you would do it in Pattaya.However, unlike Pattaya, there are n’t many older ladies out front, so it might be easier to enter.Now, find a local restaurant that you can use on a daily basis. I’m feeling like a tourist today, so I’d like to take a break at a cafe.This is a Starbucks reserve store.The special Starbucks is also good, but this store right next to Starbucks was busy just now, so I was curious. It was open so I went there. It’s empty now. [Music] [Music] I went there and had a crispy roti with whipped cream for 50 watts. It was bigger than I expected. Lily wow. [Music] The quantity is good.It’s my first time eating a crispy roti.It doesn’t feel like a roti anymore.It tastes a bit like a pointy corn.The batter is made with condensed milk as well, so it doesn’t feel like a roti without condensed milk. The delicious cream is sweet, so you don’t need milk, but adding milk will make it creamier.This cream is more like a spray-type whipped cream with a squishy texture rather than a moist one.There ‘s not much whipped cream. It’s not milky per se.You can really enjoy roti in all kinds of flavors here, so if you like roti, you should bring it.There’s also a moist type of roti that you usually get.It ‘s quite sweet, so I’d like to have coffee with it. By the way, the coffee didn’t seem to be very authentic, so I stopped.However, Chiang Mai is also famous for coffee, so I thought I’d look for some delicious coffee beans.I brought a coffee machine with me, so I can drink it at home. I like it the most because I’m a bit hyperactive or rather unusual, so I’m the type of person who can’t relax or relax at a cafe, so even if I go to a cafe, I’m the type who leaves after 5 minutes , so it’s a waste.The cost performance is bad. Well, if you go to a cafe, it’s amazing. I respect people who spend two hours at a cafe. I get so restless and dazed that I want to go home . Maybe it’s because the road is narrow, or the traffic lights are unusually long over there. There’s been a lot of traffic here since a while ago.I wonder if the number of people walking has increased.It’s getting cooler.It’s cool after all.When the sun comes out, it feels good.This time, the house was really crowded with tourists. I’m happy though Since I’m going to live here, I’m starting to worry because there are so many restaurants that are a little too luxurious. I’m hoping that if I walk to the other side, there will be a restaurant that I can relax in. If you look at the prices, it’s usually around 50 Baa for a meal . Mone: I had one earlier, but I want something that’s tasty and cheap, with a small quantity, or rather, a large quantity.It’s a bit too much for everyday use.I’ll have to look for it from now on.A while ago, I found something like a local esophageal joint. I want to check that before going home.If I can use that regularly, it looks good for now.This is delicious, but it’s a bit like eating corn flakes with fresh cream when I eat it in the dark. That’s why I think a regular moist roti would be better after all.I’m almost reaching the limit of my cafe time, so I’m going to eat it all at once.I eat with my hands . It’s a waste [Music] Hey, Burn is visiting a place in Japan called Spink Park right now, but for some reason, I was wearing a stall earlier, and I think I dropped it somewhere, so I lost it. I ‘m sick of it. Why do you lose things so easily? I threw it in my bag. I put it on my side and didn’t put it inside properly, and then it fell somewhere. I don’t know. I’m trying to figure out where and when I lost it. I don’t have any, so I have to give up. I don’t like it anymore. Please help me. I ‘m going to pull myself together and go back home while looking for something local that I can use on a daily basis. This is a Chinese restaurant that’s open 24 hours a day, so it’s really good. I can smell it. I feel like I’ve seen this in Pattaya. There are quite a few restaurants on this street that are open 24 hours a day, so that’s a big plus. Because of my job, I often have to eat at odd hours. Generally speaking, if you live in a local area, it often closes early and you don’t get to eat.The McDonald’s here is also open 24 hours.The McDonald’s near my house in Pattaya closed early, around 9 o’clock. This is the local restaurant group spot that I found earlier.It seems like it’s open 24 hours a day.I’m glad.I guess it’s not expensive around here.It has a nice atmosphere.I’m going to take the opportunity to stop by and try it out. Shoh, this bukkake restaurant seems to be open 24 hours a day, which is great. It looks delicious . It seems like you can eat at this restaurant for 450 baht. That’s great. It looks like it’s usable around here. I was hesitant, but this is Myanmar food. It’s a little unusual, so I’ll try it.I said yes, and I’ll have tomato rice for 40 baht and a salad for 40 baht.First of all, I didn’t know much about the salad, so I just picked one at random, but I wondered what it tasted like.The salad was delicious.I ate a little bit. It tastes like something special.Normally, it’s really delicious.The ingredients are tomatoes, soybean grass, purple onions, and lots of chopped peanuts.It tastes like a marinade.No, it’s not at all like coriander. I don’t want to eat this.If you’re not a normal Japanese person who doesn’t like vegetables, you’ll probably like this.I also had some unusual grass salads, but I wonder if they all have this seasoning.It’s delicious.Yeah, it’s really good for your body. Looks good.Both cost 40 baht, so it’s easy.I wonder if they’re both vegan dishes.They’re all vegetables, but probably no meat.This is tomato rice, but it’s called Shan rice, so it’s a Shan rice dish . I wonder if it’s the food, and I wonder if it’s the people who are vegan . Chiang Mai is very close to Myanmar in terms of Chile, so I think there are a lot of Myanmar people there. It seems like there are a lot of people who come here, but I also had a friend from Nanmaji when I was in college, and we used to go out to ramen together often.In Tokyo, there are a lot of people from Southeast Asia who stay at Takada, so we often make friends at Takada. There are a lot of restaurants. There was a Yanmaa restaurant behind my house. I guess it was when I was in college. It’s still rice with a lot of water. It tastes delicious. It’s an unusual dish . It’s a very healthy dish with rice soup poured over it, making it soggy and sticky.Both of these dishes seem to be good for the body, but this restaurant usually has large dishes, so I don’t think I’ll be able to use them all . I tend to forget things and drop things like this, so even if I skimp on meals and eat cheap food, there’s not much point in it, or rather I end up spending a lot of money.Since I’ve been here, I’ve stalled 4 or 5 times. I always drop things somewhere, but I don’t even know where I lost them. What’s the reason I keep forgetting things? Maybe I’m sick, but I always lose important things like my cell phone. Also, this microphone is a mess. I forgot something and I’m always looking for it.If I don’t stick things on my body, I’ll really lose things.Oh , I’ve been losing things since the first day, so I’m shocked.This food, I thought it was weird at first. But now that you mention it, it’s a risotto.The taste is surprisingly more like garlic rice than an Asian flavor.It’s more like tomato garlic risotto.I’m feeling hungry today, after all, it’s the day I got on a plane. I’m really hungry , but is it just me? I’m the type of person who tries to forget things, but when I lose something, even if it’s not that expensive, it still comes as a shock. I’m the kind of person whose parts fall apart like a foreign car . [Music] I think the stylish streets are beautiful, but I don’t usually have a cheerful mood all the time, so I find these mysterious and unique shops calming me down.Normally, when I’m tired, all the tourists are having fun. I’m saying that I’m jealous of people doing that and it makes me even more tired, but I wonder if it’s a famous restaurant where a lot of foreign tourists come here. Is Mimaru-furi pretty popular? Or is it just a regular place to eat Kaze? Are you here? [Music] Well, let’s go back to the house and do a room tour.The elevator looks like this, it looks like a multi-tenant building, and it feels old.It’s slow.The hallway is also quite thin.It’s a little scary. Let me give you a brief introduction to the inside.First of all, this is the entrance space, and I’m glad that they have prepared a lot of cleaning tools.The closet is also big like this, and it’s a bit dirty, so I can’t show it to you. However, it can be stored well.There is a simple partition, and the main space is at the back.There is a bathroom in front of it, so let’s take a look at what’s beyond this door.Okay, Brown. It’s a very fashionable place with precious water , but the toilet and shower aren’t separated, so you end up getting soaked. I’m used to it, and I don’t have any smells from the drains or water leaks. It’s clean. The feeling is perfect, so I have no complaints.The shower works well, so the hot water comes out.The water pressure is pretty good.That’s all I need.I passed.The hot water is good.There is a partition if you want. I wish it was a little bigger, but the bathroom is compact and easy to use.Let ‘s take a look at the main room.This room is about 30 square meters.The building itself is 17 years old in the area. I guess the inside has been renovated, but I don’t think there’s any noticeable deterioration.It’s just a modern and cute room.The front part of the main area is a simple kitchen space. There’s no toilet, but the sink is quite well-lit, and they ‘ve prepared all the bare essentials like tableware, so here’s cutlery and electric pods, and there’s a refrigerator next to the sink. There is, but this one is a bit temporary , and originally there was a large one with a freezer, but they are currently sending it in for repair and will be back in 34 days, so they also have a microwave oven. This is my personal coffee maker, which I always carry with me.It ‘s right next to the kitchen, but there’s a small space where you can eat.There’s also a clean TV set. Yes, there is an air conditioner here.Here is the study desk.I am happy because there are surprisingly many rooms without this desk.I would be even happier if the chair was a little more fluffy, but there is also an outlet here. I’m so happy that they have prepared a nice hair dryer in this color.There’s a big window in the back.It ‘s nice to have a bright room with light coming in.I think it will bring good luck.There’s also a sofa and it’s such a cute relaxing area. There’s also a mirror, so I feel like I’m putting on my makeup here.Lastly, there’s a red space, but they also have a fan, so I can dry my laundry in the room.Yes, the bed looks like this, and it’s super cute. It’s a beautiful bed. It’s big enough to be queen size, king size, or larger. Now, let’s check the futon of the bed. This is the first real fluffy bed in a long time. It sucks me in. Anyway, here it is. A room with a comfortable bed.The monthly rent this time is about 40,000 yen.As I always say, short-term contracts tend to be a bit expensive, but I negotiated and got a slightly lower price.The view from the window This is what it looks like. It feels good. It’s a pretty nice scenery. It’s good because there are many walls like this when I open the window, but the disadvantage of this is that pigeons come here easily. They are very disliked by animals, so I don’t like opening windows. I don’t think I can do it [Music] Well, I’m living in a room like this, and it doesn’t have a pool or gym, so it’s not easy to listen to at all, but this time I chose it with the priority of being surrounded by people, so I’m paying a little bit more for the rent. I think it can’t be helped that it’s expensive.The room looks comfortable, but as I saw earlier, it seems like the area is expensive, so once I get used to life a little more, I’ll move to a cheaper area where I can keep the cost of living down. I’m wondering if it’s okay to move. So this time, the Chima edition will start. Thank you for your continued support. If you enjoyed this video even a little, please give it a high rating and subscribe to the channel. See you soon [Music] ] [Applause]






・DJI Osmo Pocket 2
・DJI Osmo Action
・Go Pro Hero 10

Hollyland Lark M1 Duo ワイヤレスマイクロホンシステム(ケース付き)

・Adobe Premiere Pro ( アドビ プレミアプロ )
・Adobe Photoshop( アドビ フォトショップ )



  1. 大好きなチェンマイ編が始まって、すごくうれしいです!!9月の旅行のためチェンマイ行きのチケットを取りましたので、参考にしますね😊

  2. やだ〜チカさんも同じギフテッド ADHDなの⁉️ 🤣


  3. 偶然です。昨日から初チェンマイで1ヶ月滞在します。

  4. チェンマイ!サムライウィードさんっていう日本人が日本の環境を再現してウィードを作ってるお店があるらしいですよ😊

  5. チェンマイは少し涼しく物価は安めだが、テレサ・テンが暗殺されたホテルもある土地柄か変な人も闇が多め感を受ける。パタヤが近代化し過ぎたうえにニューハーフで、チェンマイのカラオケ店通い日本人だが、円安とコロナで日本帰ったか。

  6. チェンマイにしては良い場所って感じですね、それとずいぶんお洒落な場所がふえましたね

  7. チカさんこんちわ😊今日もまた😂日本にいても😊画面越し😂ベトナム美人の😊チカに逢い❤せいじくんが15㎏にもなりました😂大きくなっても、男前の生後15ヵ月💕

  8. もう東南アジアを下に見る時代は終わりましたね、25年前のタイの姿が今の日本、金持ちの中国人と欧米人が我が物顔で闊歩する時代、日本人は召使みたいなもの

  9. 僕はバンコクに住んでいますが、チェンマイには行った事がありません。

  10. 嬉しいですねぇ。まだチェンマイには行った事がないのですが、来年年明けてから行こうと計画しているところなので勉強させてもらいたいと思いますし、この後も続きを楽しみにしています。

  11. 30年前頃に地球の歩き方と往復のオープンチケット、少ない現金とドル TC持って、着のみ着の儘バックパッカーで行った時の良き思い出が甦りました。とても変わりましたが、いい場所ですね。他の国も回ったので滞在時間は少ないですが、とても物価が安く、人が優しいのを覚えています。

  12. コメント入れたらチェンライと間違えた🤣

  13. ちかさん こんばんは🌙😃
    ちかさん の映像センスには いつも感動させられますが 直近三作 新車納車からチェンマイまでの サムネ映像が またまた素晴らしいですね💥👍
    じっと見ていると ちかさん の この世から消えてなくなりたい ほどの苦難が思い起こされて 思わず目頭が熱くなりました😥 もちろん ちかさん の全てを知っているわけではありませんが 少なくともここ3年、4年の ちかさん の苦難を思い起こすだけでも十分でした🙄

  14. Chikaさん

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