
I’m heading to Fukuoka Airport. Today is the first day. I was planning to film the arrival scene of Sakura, but it has already arrived (lol) I’m quickly boarding. It takes about 39 minutes to go from Kumamoto Station to Hakata Station. I arrived. I’m transferring to the subway. The Fukuoka City subway has background music and is very fashionable. I arrived at Fukuoka Airport Station. I’m heading to the observation deck. The season was just before Christmas (lol) This time I’m mainly photographing large aircraft. It is B787-9. Japanese companies were also involved in the development of the B787, which is designed to maintain humidity. A350-900 is a French Airbus aircraft. It seems that France is not only rich in culture and food. It is a developed country. ANA B777-300 has begun preparations for takeoff. When you compare it to the towing car, you can clearly see how large the aircraft is. This aircraft is rarely seen, even at Itami Airport. It is characterized by five windows, and the engine is manufactured by Pratt & Whitney. Looks like it’s about to take off. I rented a car, moving to Shimotsukikuma. Depending on the wind direction, you can see the takeoff scene up close. At Fukuoka Airport, planes takes off and lands about every minute, making it an irresistible photo spot for aviation fans. A350-900 is taking off. I’ve return to Fukuoka Airport, buying breakfast. Entering from ANA PREMIUM CHECK-IN. This time we will introduce you to the breakfast at ANA SUITE LOUNGE. Why is it that JAL is usually parked even though it is before an ANA lounge? You have the ANA SUITE LOUNGE tour. Will I have "Umegae Mochi" today? There was no "Umegae Mochi" today, either. This time, I bought more ingredients than I needed in order to shoot a video of explosive food. I was excited because this is one of the several video shooting trips a year. I think it’s okay once in a while. This time I have my mother’s memorial tablet with me, thinking she is enjoying it, too. This time I didn’t make any hotel reservations, so this time is a 4-day, 0-night tour for the best breakfast. It looks like a JAL plane is about to take off. Next, I will eat sweets. I finished my beer so I wouldn’t get too drunk The leftovers will be used as emergency food for today. It’s boarding time so let’s move. It’s surprisingly far away, so I have to hurry. You can see the plane I’m scheduled to board. It was a little crowded. The GS seemed to have noticed, showing me around first. There was a need for "mileage run.’" I love this PBB (Passenger Boarding Bridge). The engine is made by Pratt & Whitney. It started moving. That is the original Goodbye Wave. Waiting for landing at close range. It’s finally time to take off. Take off. I passed through the clouds. It’s around Chubu region. It’s finally time to land. Looks like it’s going to land on Runway C. From here, we will deliver it uncut. I was able to land safely. I will now walk around Tokyo, preparing for the next day. I’m looking forward to the second day. Thank you for your high rating and channel registration.

ANAダイヤモンド会員になった記念に国内線ANA SUITE LOUNGEツアーをした時の動画です。どうぞお楽しみください。


「扉のムコウ」 黒木淳哉





▼ANA SUITE LOUNGE伊丹空港での爆食動画はこちらです。


▼新熊本空港でのANA Team HNDによる中島みゆき『時代』演奏の動画はこちらです。

▼ANA Team HND OrchestraによるSAGAアリーナオープン記念での『情熱大陸』などの演奏動画はこちらです。

▼ANA Team HND OrchestraによるYOASOBI『群青』の演奏ショート動画はこちらです。

▼ANA Team HND Orchestraによる『Departure』の演奏ショート動画はこちらです。

▼ANA Team HND Orchestraによる『情熱大陸』の演奏ショート動画はこちらです。

▼新熊本空港発ANA B787お見合い席でのショート動画はこちらです。

▼新熊本空港でのANA CAのショート動画はこちらです。

00:00 オープニング
00:14 空港へ
01:35 福岡空港
04:40 爆食
06:46 搭乗
08:28 羽田空港


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