Kitakawabe Rice Park. Rural Japan. Kazo city, Saitama prefecture. 4k. 北川辺ライスパーク

Kitakawabe Rice Park was opened in 1995 to enable citizens to deepen their understanding of agriculture through agricultural and rural experiences and to revitalize agriculture and rural areas, including urban exchange. Kitakawabe Rice Park (北川辺ライスパーク) is a facility where one can experience farming that cannot be experienced in the city, such as rice cultivation (rice planting (around May), rice harvesting (around September)) and potato digging (around October) under the rice field ownership system.

Not long ago Kitakawabe became a part of Kazo City, which is located in far northeastern Saitama Prefecture, bordered by Gunma Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture, and Ibaraki Prefectures along the alluvial plain of the Watarase River and Tone River. The terrain is generally low and flat. The area is known for its territory, covered with vast rice fields and greenhouses.

Business hours: 9:00 ~ 17:00
Regular holiday: Every Monday (If Monday is a holiday, then the following day)/New Year’s Holiday

#japan , #saitama, #japantravel, #ruraljapan, #japaneserice, #日本、#加須市、#埼玉県

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