【西東京市郷土資料館】流血の闘いも!奈良から明治の歴史をジオラマで。There were bloody battles! Nishi-Tokyo City Local History Museum




Nishi-Tokyo City Local History Museum in Nishi-Tokyo City, Tokyo.
The diorama reproducing the history of Nishitokyo City from the Nara Period to the Meiji Period is a must-see. The diorama is rich in variety, showing the life of farmers, falconry of the Owari Tokugawa family, wild fires, revolts, and the appearance of the Emperor Meiji.
Also, stone tools from the Paleolithic and Jomon Periods, Katsusaka-style earthenware, Kasori E-style earthenware, deep bowl-shaped earthenware, stone arrowheads, and stone axes excavated from the Shimonotani Ruins. Armor called “Okegawa-do,” a lent armor of the Owari Tokugawa family.
A board monument from the Kamakura and Muromachi periods. Takafuda, Nirayamakasa, and vermilion-lacquered andon from the Edo period.
A fire iron, charcoal iron, black telephone, word processor, ice refrigerator, and other small electrical appliances from the Taisho and Showa periods are on display.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

奇行旅図鑑 西東京市郷土資料館編
The Wonder Mystery Tour Book in Nishi-tokyo City Local History Museum

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