A delicious Japanese seafood restaurant that fishermen flock to from 5am! 海鮮丼 苫小牧

Hello! This is “Japanese Kitchen Tour”.

This channel introduces Japanese food culture, the techniques of chefs, and Japanese food.

In addition to traditional Japanese cuisine (sushi, ramen, udon, soba, sashimi, food stalls), we introduce a variety of gourmet foods, including local Chinese restaurants, large-portion restaurants, Japanese street food, and sweets.

This time, we will introduce “Marutoma Shokudo” located in Shiomi-cho, Tomakomai City, Hokkaido.

This is a restaurant in the port town famous for its large-portion seafood bowls, and it is so popular that it is full of customers from 5am.
The “Hokki Curry” and seafood bowl made with surf clams from Tomakomai are particularly noteworthy.

Please watch until the end!

[Marutoma Shokudo Google Maps]

[Japanese Kitchen Tour Official Instagram]


こんにちは!「 Japanese Kitchen Tour 」です。

日本の伝統的な料理( 寿司 ラーメン うどん そば 刺身 屋台 )などに加え、町中華やデカ盛り店、日本のストリートフードやスイーツなど、様々なグルメを紹介します。


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【 Japanese Kitchen Tour 公式インスタグラム 】



  1. it is so difficult to watch from so far away. As always, the stuff looks amazing and all chefs say the same: they do what they do for the common good. The food is so cheap, even in Osaka and Tokyo I was amazed what quality you get for little money.

  2. ho do it taste to ate seafood raw? the bowl of rice with various seafood. the raw seafood i only ate are tuna and salmon XD

  3. Surf Clam Curry..? New one to me… wow… only available Hokkaido..? I bet Tomakomai City is cold in December… only month I can ever go to Japan… that said… Surf Clam Curry aside… there appears to be 25 variations of Surf Clam as menu options… and I've never tasted one… the bowls complemented sea urchin, shrimp & salmon look amazing… well worth a rethink on travel plans to taste a small number of the others 😉

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