大理最好玩的10個地方|Visit DALI, China|DaLi Travel Guide

您最想去中國哪裡玩,請訂閱我的頻道,今天帶您走進大理。大理位於中國的西南部,是雲南省下面的一個縣級小城市。在這個讓無數人嚮往的彩雲之南,大理有風花雪月,有詩和遠方, 洱海的浪漫,蒼山的秀美。大理就像擁有一種魔力,蒼山洱海,山水田園,城鎮村莊,在大理,總有一方悠閒,讓您感覺美好如初。總有一程山水,驚艷了時光。
Where do you want to go in China? Please subscribe to my channel. Today I will take you to Dali. Dali is located in the southwest of China and is a small county-level city under Yunnan Province. In this south of the colorful clouds that countless people yearn for, Dali has romance, poetry and distant places, the romance of Erhai Lake, and the beauty of Cangshan Mountain. Dali seems to have a kind of magic. Cangshan Mountain, Erhai Lake, mountains, rivers, countryside, towns and villages, in Dali, there is always a leisurely place that makes you feel as beautiful as before. There is always a journey of mountains and rivers that amazes time. Cangshan Mountain is an alliance, Erhai Lake is an oath, and this romantic town of Dali has witnessed many sincere loves. Let’s explore the fun places in Dali together.
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