【trip vlog】天橋立・伊根巡る京都旅ーAmanohashidate・Ine Kyotoー

A first time to trip to Amanohashidate and Ine. Litellary I fell in love with Ine!
I had a great time:)
Fisherman’s hotel Attyan is the best hotel ever! Attyan is very charming and friendly. Everyone will love her and her hotel and dishes as well.
She knows many things about Ine so if you have any questions, ask her:)


00:04 府中駅 Fuchu Station
00:18 傘松公園行きリフト Lift to Kasamatsu park
00:31 傘松公園 Kasamatsu park
01:05 成相寺 Nariaiji
01:16 ケーブルカー Cable car
01:26 元伊勢籠神社 Motoisekono shrine
01:33 丹後王国ー食のみやこー the biggest roadside station in western Japan
02:03 漁師の宿 あっちゃん Fisherman’s hotel Attyan at Ine
02:11 ルームツアー roomtour
03:01 海上タクシー観光 tourism by a mini boat
03:53 海水浴 sea beathing
04:12 サンセット sunset
04:33 dinner
04:49 漁のお見送り see off to fishing
05:02 朝のお散歩 morning stroll
05:57 大漁!a large catch
06:42 breakfast
06:59 伊根カフェ Ine cafe

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