【東京の美しい渓谷に架かる橋】秋川渓谷(Akigawa Valley)【A bridge over a beautiful valley in Tokyo】

I came to Akigawa Valley in Akiruno City, Tokyo. I chose Ishibunebashi Bridge, about ten minutes by Nishitokyo bus from Musashi-Itsukaichi Station on the JR Itsukaichi Line, as my starting point. Beyond the bridge is a hot spring facility (Seoto-no-yu), which is a popular tourist spot.

Located close to the city center, the Akigawa Valley is full of nature and bustling with people enjoying many leisure activities, such as half-day walks, swimming in the river, camping, cycling, and fishing. It’s also one of the places I’d like to visit in different seasons. If you like it, please come and visit.

オープニング 00:00
ルート 03:17
石舟橋 03:32
落合橋 05:29
星竹橋 07:53
沢戸橋 09:00
子生神社 09:27
檜原街道の百日紅 09:57
秋川の河原 10:34
佳月橋 11:32
小和田橋 12:58
青空と雲 14:14
あゆみ橋 16:02
秋川橋 16:53



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