How To Make NORI BENTO in Best Cost Performance

Nori Bento is the most popular Bento in Japan. You can buy it in every super market or convenience store in Japan. Nori Sea weed on the rice with various tasty ingredients on the fresh cooked rice. Why not make this in best cost performance and make it for your lunch!! Let’s try it!

What you need
Basic ingredients
〇 Fresh cooked rice
〇 Dried Nori Sea weed
〇 Soysauce
Various ingredients in the movie
〇 Fried fish (frozen) from Gyoumu super market
〇 Kinpira Gobo
  〇 Gobo burdock 1
  〇 Carrot 1
  〇 Sesame oil 2 tbsp
  〇 Soysauce 2~3 tbsp
  〇 Sake 2~3 tbsp
  〇 Mirin      2 tbsp
〇 Sugar       2 tbsp
  〇 Roasted Sesame
〇 Isobeage
  〇 Chikuwa
  〇 Flour
  〇 Potato starch
  〇 Aonori dried sea weed
  〇 Water
〇 Tamagoyaki
  〇 Eggs       3
  〇 Soysauce     1 tsp
  〇 Sugar      1 tbsp
  〇 Veg oil to fry
〇 Tsubozuke pickles
〇 Katsuo Konbu or Dried bonitos with soysauce
〇 Kewpie Tartar sauce or Mayo

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〇 You can keep fried fish, Kinpira, and Isobeage frozen
〇 You can change ingredients to your like there are many kinds of Nori Bento in Japan. This Nori Bento in the movie is referenced on 7-11 or Hot Mot Bento shop in Japan which is very popular.

Comments & Questions welcome 🙂
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#のり弁  #bentobox  #gontaskitchen



〇 炊き立てごはん
〇 海苔
〇 醤油
〇 白身フライ(業務スーパー)
〇 きんぴらごぼう
  〇 ごぼう       1
  〇 にんじん 1
  〇 ごま油      2 tbsp
  〇 醤油      2~3 tbsp
  〇 酒     2~3 tbsp
  〇 みりん       2 tbsp
〇 砂糖      2 tbsp
  〇 いりごま
〇 磯部揚げ
  〇 ちくわ
  〇 小麦粉
  〇 片栗粉
  〇 青のり
  〇 水
〇 玉子焼き
  〇 たまご      3
  〇 醤油       小さじ1
  〇 砂糖      大さじ1
  〇 サラダ油
〇 つぼ漬け
〇 鰹昆布(ふじっこ)
〇 タルタルソース(市販)

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〇 磯部揚げ、揚げた白身フライ、きんぴらごぼうは冷凍して保存できます
〇 鰹昆布の代わりは鰹節と醤油で旨~
〇 好きな具材を乗せてください動画では7-11ののり弁とホットモットののり弁をイメージしています


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