Fall from the Cliff: Imran’s Dangerous Journey to Teach in a Nomadic Village

In this episode of the video, Imran, a tribal teacher, returns to his hometown to teach students in a remote village as the school reopening approaches. He begins his journey by driving to a point near the village, but a challenging and dangerous path awaits him, requiring him to cross mountains and cliffs. While navigating the rocky terrain, an unfortunate incident occurs, and Imran falls from a height, injuring his leg. Kind villagers come to his aid, helping him back up the cliff. Despite the pain and limitations, Imran decides to turn back. On his way, he stops to visit his friend Ismail and then heads to the pharmacy to get medication for his injury. This video tells a story of determination, effort, and the warmth of the tribal community, showcasing how life in these areas can be both challenging and beautiful. Join us to experience this exciting and educational journey!


  1. Hola imran. El canal de Saleh, se ha convertido en una novela , lleno de desencuentros, el villano, la bruja, las q se escapan, el que ahora quiere correr la mujer porq tiene otra esposa, etc etc. La verdad, un desastre, los espectadores,presionamos al operador, y 1 o 2 capitulos son agradables, pero luego 5 son de pura tonteria. Nno se sabe si creer o dejar de seguirlos.

  2. Imran, vas a gastar tu sueldo en combustible yendo y volviendo todos los dias. No hay pueblo cercanocen el q puedas quedarte de lunes a viernes?

  3. No comprendo como hay personas que prefieren ver canales nomadas que no nos aportan nada sobre Iran antes que verte a ti. Imran eres muy buena persona y te mereces lo mejor. Gracias por ser como eres.❤

  4. Your safety. I wish you a speedy recovery. If you ride a donkey, it would be better, even if the donkey’s path is longer. The most important thing is safety


  6. 🙏 for your healing journey ✨️. I would like to appeal to you to wear your seat belts. I realise it is not law to do so. Driving on country roads can be very dangerous, and if you have an accident, especially at speed, that may be the end of you. You certainly would be seriously injured.
    Plesse for all of us who love you very much and for the love of yourself. Buckle up. 🫂 🤗

  7. Imram mostra toda a beleza do Irã, mais infelizmente nao é só beleza que existe lá e ele sabe disso, porque deixou de mostrar o sofrimento dos nomades causado pelo governo do Irã?
    Nso esqueca que vice tem varios amigos nomades, boce tambrm tem 2 crianças nômades 😢

  8. Oh mon Dieu !! Pourquoi prenez-vous autant de risques?? 😮😮Je vous en supplie soyez raisonnable, n'allez pas dans ce village. Je sais que vous avez un bon coeur et que vous voulez aider les enfants mais cette route est très dangereuse et vous avez des problèmes de santé😢 Avec toute mon affection ❤❤ Que Dieu vous garde🙏🙏❤❤

  9. Dear Imran .❤ If you could make time for it – would you mind to make a video about the local language / dialect – Luri – and Farsi ❓ On another channel it was said in village schools the kids learn both.🤔 You must speak both – could illustrate the similarities & the differences .🙂 For example the words in that beautiful song " Shabooneh " sound very different from I hear in the n. videos.🤔 Thank you very much 💯❤

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