[四国横断ドライブ]松山~今治~西条~新居浜~四国中央、道の駅 風和里・今治城・天満峠 [ANA SFC修行僧の休息] 日本国内もみっけ Find Your Japan 67

Find Your Japan ANA SFC Monk’s Rest Drive across Shikoku Matsuyama – Imabari – Saijo – Niihama – Shikokuchuo Roadside Station, Kazawari, Imabari Castle, Tenma Pass From Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture, which I visited for SFC training, I will cross Shikoku, this time by rental car! Imabari – Saijo – Niihama – Shikokuchuo, this time while visiting castles and roadside stations in Ehime Prefecture, We will show you the beautiful coastline of northern Ehime and the towns where people live. Nippon Rent-a-Car Matsuyama Ekimae Office Rent a car in Matsuyama City, drive across Shikoku, and drop off in Takamatsu City. The drop-off fee is expensive, but it seemed to be a special price within Shikoku, so it was cheaper at about 6,000 yen. A trip across Shikoku, about 200 km by car from Matsuyama Station to Takamatsu Station On Route 196, we are heading north toward Imabari City with the sea on our left. On this drive across Shikoku, I would like to drive along the coast as much as possible. Wow! It looks like Hawaii, but it’s in Ehime Prefecture! We will stop at Fuwari Roadside Station. On the way to Imabari, I will stop by Michi no Eki: Furiwari Roadside Station. I’ll be peddling some local specialties. Roadside Station Kazahaya-no-sato Fuwari There are many cyclists who go to Shimanami Kaido, so the bicycle parking area is for road bikes. You see a swallow chick with its mouth wide open peeking out of the nest. So cute 💖. Is this the sea bream used for tai-meshi, a local gourmet dish in Ehime? And there it was! Tangerine juice from the faucet! I love Pon Juice and Octopus Rice! Wow octopus rice, looks so delicious! Oh, that’s Matsuyama Age, which I got in Matsuyama City and became a big fan of. Vegetables are also very fresh. Being in Tokyo, I really envy them. Ehime is famous for citrus fruits. Amatsu, I feel like buying a box of them. It was a sweet summer, mandarin orange, and a very tasty one. I recommend it. Support us by subscribing to our channel! Well – the Seto Inland Sea really heals my heart. This amazing facility is the Shikoku Operations of Taiyo Oil Co. An industrial complex? The seaside facility is big and amazing. What is this unusual building? It is said to be the Imabari Head Office and Mirai Plant of BEMAC Co. As you approach the center of Imabari, you will see the high-rise Imabari International Hotel. To the beautiful Imabari Castle by Takatora Todo, one of the three great water castles in Japan Wow, Imabari Castle is in sight. Located in the middle of the town, the view of the castle with its wide moat is beautiful. On weekends, there is free parking along the moat on the south side of the castle. Coin-operated parking was conveniently located by the main entrance to Imabari Castle. Imabari Castle The stone walls of Imabari Castle on the surface of the water are beautiful, just like in Japan. Imabari Castle is connected to the sea, and at that time it was possible to enter directly from the sea by boat. Along with the Shimanami Kaido in Imabari City, it is a sightseeing spot that cannot be missed. There’s a big stone in the middle of the stone wall at the entrance. It is amazing that they carried this! When you come to the plaza inside the castle, the statue of Takatora Todo and the castle tower are picturesque. Imabari Castle was a compact castle with a shrine worth seeing in addition to the castle tower. We would like to enter the castle tower for 520 yen, but we will enjoy it from the outside as we hurry ahead. Statue of Lord Takatora Todo White walls of Japanese castles are wonderful. Imabari Castle is well kept. Now, let’s go back to the car. Well, it is a magnificent gate. Heh – the moat is connected to the ocean, so I hear there are sea bass and not carp and such. Japan’s largest pirate, the Murakami Pirates, were in the Geyo Islands, weren’t they? Wow, it looks like they protected maritime traffic. Well then, we will resume our drive to Takamatsu. Oooh! This is what the town of Imabari looks like. As it is a shipbuilding town, there was a huge screw. Traveling south on Ehime Prefectural Road No. 38 Imabari Namikata Port Route and National Road No. 196, we first went to Saijo City. That Shikoku Orange Ferry at the Toyo Port Ferry Terminal operates a service to Osaka Nanko. After crossing a large bridge, you will reach the center of Saijo City. This area is the center of Saijo City, and to my surprise there was a Starbucks on the industrial road. From the industrial road, drive Ehime Prefectural Road No. 13 Mibugawa Niihama Noda Line from Saijo City to Niihama City. This area is lined with large factories such as Imabari Shipbuilding, Sumitomo Metals, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, and Sumitomo Chemical. Entering the center of Niihama City, there is the Sumitomo Besshi Hospital, and the town is full of Sumitomo. We have come to the front of Niihama City Hall, so this is the center. Next, we will drive along the coastline of Prefectural Route 13 toward Shikokuchuo City. We will go to the Butsuzaki Observatory at Tenma Pass on the winding road. Wow nice sea view! I parked the car for a bit and got out. Oh my~~ isn’t the view spectacular! The descent is also a good driving course with a view of Shikokuchuo City and the beautiful Seto Inland Sea. I like to see this kind of scenery in addition to the usual tourist attractions. This area on Prefectural Route 13 is an area where many Doi distribution centers are located. Oh, is this Fukusuke, or a tabi, or stockings? There are many sports facilities in the vicinity of Iyo Mishima Central Grocery Co. The large chimneys and facilities are the mill area of Daio Paper Co. Ehime Paper, Marusumi Paper, and Fukusuke were also located in the area, and Shikokuchuo City was a huge industrial area. That is the castle tower of Kawanoe Castle. Next time, we will continue with sightseeing to Kagawa Station. Baicha! 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ANA SFC修行で訪れた四国。
 国道196号線を北上し、道の駅 風早の郷 風和里で寄り道し、蛇口からみかんジュースや柑橘類、ポンジュース、タコめし、かいねり、松山あげをお買い物。
 太陽石油(株) 四国事業所のコンビナート、BEMAC(株) 今治本社・みらい工場、今治国際ホテルを見ながら、藤堂高虎の日本三大水城の今治城を見学します。今治城のお堀は海水が入っていて、海の魚がいて、昔はお城から船で海に出れたそうです。

[尾道観光] 広島県尾道市観光スポット5選、お得な宿や尾道ラーメンも! [ANA SFC修行僧の休息] 日本国内もみっけ Find Your Japan 66

[しまなみ海道] 道の駅、展望台、寄り道おススメスポット、上下線往復ドライブ [ANA SFC修行僧の休息] 日本国内もみっけ Find Your Japan 65

[松山観光] 観光名所3選 大街道、松山城、道後温泉、地元グルメ3選 鍋焼きうどん、鯛めし、BAR SHEEYLA [ANA SFC修行の休息] 日本国内もみっけ Find Your Japan 64

00:00 オープニング
00:35 松山市から今治市へ
01:47 道の駅 風早の郷 風和里
03:58 もうちょっとで今治なう
05:20 今治城
09:16 今治市から西条市へ
10:28 西条市から新居浜市へ
11:27 新居浜市から四国中央市へ
15:07 エンディング

なさみんプラザ Find your Japan

#四国横断 #今治城 #ドライブ

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